XF 2.2 Home page show white screen to the guest


Well-known member
Hi everybody, I have a strange problem on my site

as you can see if you click on it, it shows a blank page, the strange thing that this doesn't happen if you are logged to the forum.
Any idea of what can be the problem?
Hi Devyc e thanks for your answer.
Yes yesterday I had to block many acess to my forum from Cloudflare because it seems that my site is under attack.
Too many requests processed, look here
the most marked as Applewebkit.
For now I have let the access only for my country to stop that activity so for this now you are seeing that block. I have to see how to let you access to the page disabling that ip block.
I have now removed the block in Cloudflare to let you access the pages, but it seems the home page is back working but not the forum page
as well as the news page, etc.
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Thanks to you all for the help. Sorry but I had to activate a strong protection with the firewall because I have the site under attack. 30.000 request in 24 hours. Now it seems that Cloudflare is blocking this activity, that we are monitoring. In each ways at this moment you should see the problem I told you in my first post. As guest the site is not visible, (check the links) but if you are logged, all work good.
Really strange
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Thanks to you all for the help. Sorry but I had to activate a strong protection with the firewall because I have the site under attack. 30.000 request in 24 hours. Now it seems that Cloudflare is blocking this activity, that we are monitoring. In each ways at this moment you should see the problem I told you in my first post. As guest the site is not visible, (check the links) but if you are logged, all work good.
Really strange
Cloud flare block doesn’t look like that but sure whatever.
I’d be checking the php logs on Apache
Many thanks Seeker-Smith I will tell it to my webmaster to investigate in this, but maybe him is just doing.
I have installed days ago also the last version of XF the 2.2.15 and I'm using the PHP 8
is not that I must use the PHP 8.2 to solve this problem?
Nothing the login of the site is working, so also if you are logged and the site works, the people cannot login.
OK, I've managed to get to the site. It seems that there is nothing in the page source, nothing in the browser console whenever you click on any of the home page items. I would check a number of things before going any further:

Viewing permissions - also check to see if there are any individual permissions for each forum besides the general permissions
Check for any route filters and make sure they are correctly formatted - if you are using them, disable them temporarily
Check for any permissions for the add-ons you have; I notice you're using AMS
Check your htaccess file to make sure that it hasn't been changed, or if it has that it is correctly formatted
Check your templates and revert any that look like they have been modified; if you have modified them, take a copy before reverting to save you going over them again - if this solves the issue then you have nailed it
Check your extra.less file and clear it after taking a copy, if that solves the issue then you need to find what is in there that is causing the issue

It's a bit of a Sherlock Holmes' exercise to drill down and eliminate all possible areas which could be the source of the issue.

Come back and let us know if any of the above is the problem and whether you have solved it.
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