Have link color different than primaryMedium


Well-known member
I'm working my way through the color palette. Primary medium plays a big role in that it affects the background of the navigation. Since my site has a dark grey background, my links are not readable within the content of the site since they are pulling from primaryMedium.

Is there a way to have them pull link color from elsewhere? For example, primaryLight?

I think you want this:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> xenforo.css

Near the top you can see @primaryMedium for the links. Change it to @primaryLight:

/* counteract the word-wrap setting in 'body' */
pre, textarea
    word-wrap: normal;

    color: @primaryMedium;
    text-decoration: none;

        text-decoration: underline;

        _text-decoration: underline;
I wasn't able to find that in the style properties which might be because of this:



Due to unforseen circumstances, we have been unable to move portions of the CSS that drives the XenForo style into the Style Properties system as planned. However, this task is near the top of our priority list and we expect the style to be fully propertised in the next beta release, which we will make in the coming days.

As a result, we would advise customers to play with the style system in order to familiarize themselves with its workings, but to be aware that the underlying CSS will be changing in significant ways in the very near future.

Or maybe I just missed it. But you can always edit the css templates directly.
Is there a way to add a new color to the palette, so that I can then reference it in xenforo.css? So far I have been unable to find the "add new color to palette" button.

You have to enable debug mode to access that. You can enable debug mode by adding this to the library/config.php file:

$config['debug'] = 1;

Then you will see an option on the Color Palette page to add a new property. You can edit the existing properties for reference. Be mindful of which style you are editing, because debug mode lets you edit the master style.
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