Has the Contact Us just changed?

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
About 10 minutes ago it was a page but now it's a pop up overlay.

Am I going mad? :confused:

Not sure which one I prefer...
The guys are working on this almost every minute of the day, so things are changing hourly - even minute-ly (not a word, I know).
You're likely to see alot of things that were different the last time you looked, as they change things for the better, and/or work with code to see what will happen.
so if you clicked the link in the footer before the DOM ready event is called you will get to that HTML page...
No matter what I do I can't get that page to appear by clicking the link in the footer.

I actually think there should be the html page link in the help section.
It gives people the choice then.
If you Click that link before the page is fully loaded or if you have JS disabled then it will do just that...

The idea is 99% of users will get the pop-up but if JS is disabled or decides to fail on that page load then the link will still work... This is brilliant coding from Kier and Mike
If you Click that link before the page is fully loaded or if you have JS disabled then it will do just that...
Yes I understand that.

I was responding to AlexandrosD who said "He simply didn't wait for the DOM ready event to fire."

Which wasn't correct as I stated.
I navigated directly to the page before and didn't chance upon it as he suggested.

The confusion arose because the first time I saw the "Contact Us" it was an html page and the next time it was a pop up.
Yes I understand that.

I was responding to AlexandrosD who said "He simply didn't wait for the DOM ready event to fire."

Which wasn't correct as I stated.
I navigated directly to the page before and didn't chance upon it as he suggested.

The confusion arose because the first time I saw the "Contact Us" it was an html page and the next time it was a pop up.

Ctrl+F5, click on it as fast as you can. This is how it can be reproduced with slow connections (or simply disable javascipt).
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