[HA] Featured Members (+ Verified Badge)

[HA] Featured Members (+ Verified Badge) 1.5.0

No permission to download
Rather than displaying like this:


Have the tooltip designed to show like this, if that's possible:
Have the tooltip designed to show like this, if that's possible:
well, the tooltip is like that in default:

check it in default style.

Maybe your custom style is causing the tooltip to be displayed like that in your site. Contact its designer and ask for help.
Yes, it's also like that in the default style on 1.4. :eek:
well, I don't have 1.4 on local to check things. But what I'm using is XF's "Tooltip" class. Nothing custom. So it should be easily possible to use xf's tooltip's css to get what you need ;)
I'm not seeing a phrase to change for [username] is a Valued Member.
How can I help you more about finding a phrase?

Lets see an step by step.

1. first go to phrases and search for dad_fm_taiv

2. Found. Now I change it to whatever I want:

3. Now I check the result:
3.webp 4.webp
Might I suggest the option of the badges auto showing depending on the usergroup too? For example, if a user donates he gets the Donator usergroup instantly. It'd be nice for him to also get the "featured" badge for being in the usergroup Donator. Same case for Verified. I can just throw a bulk group of users into the usergroup, and they get the badge I want them to have without me going 1 by 1 adding the badge. :)

Can you add this idea you think?

Also changed my rating to 5 stars from 4 stars for you updating and staying live on this addon :D
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