Gun control

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It's an all-around complicated topic in this country. We American's (most of us) are fierce believers in personal freedom that is guaranteed us in our Constitution. Our founding fathers believed so strongly in the need of the populace to be able to arm itself freely that they wrote it in right at the beginning, the 2nd amendment to our Constitution in fact. Over the last 50-75 years our personal freedoms have slowly but surely been eroded in this country. Some are quite happy with that and would like nothing more than to have our society modeled after Europe. Many are not at all happy with that or that prospect and are typically labeled bigots, rednecks, uneducated, angry old white men for doing so. I, personally, do not own a firearm...but I'm a strong believer in my right to freely do so should I so desire. My own personal take on tragedies such as this school shooting is that the problem is much deeper than most will acknowledge and is a spiritual one at it's core. More loss of one's personal freedoms will not cure matters of the heart nor make society safer as a whole...just my humble opinion.
Functionally, that rifle is no different than my semi-auto hunting rifle. Is it simply because of its look?

Your hunting rifle has 30 round mags and can squeeze off those accurately at one a second or faster?
As you know, some 40's are also around.....

I'm honestly not familiar with hunting products but didn't think they could hold 30-40 and take the abuse of firing them at full speed.
Your hunting rifle has 30 round mags and can squeeze off those accurately at one a second or faster?
As you know, some 40's are also around.....

I'm honestly not familiar with hunting products but didn't think they could hold 30-40 and take the abuse of firing them at full speed.
Apparently you've never been hog hunting.

Great article on a part of the story the mainstream media does not want you to see:
Can you guess which states have the strictest gun control laws?

____State________Murder___Robbery__*rates per 100,000 population
District of Columbia____24.2_____734.4
New Mexico_________10.0_____98.7

If you guessed D.C. and Illinois then you guessed correct.

It's been said many times that the gun/weapon isn't the problem, it's the person and their mindset. Removing all weapons from the face of the Earth won't fix the mentally ill or the mindset of people. Banning weapons is a feel good policy that doesn't fix the underlying issues.

Another thing that's been said countless times is that even if you ban weapons, criminals will still have them. Want an example of that? Illinois/Chicago law prohibits it's residents from carrying handguns, that sure doesn't seem to faze the criminals. Another example; heroin, cocaine, and marijuana are all illegal right? That also doesn't seem to bother certain people.
What i find amazing is the need of a gun to protect your family from burglars.
In Europe , we choose to hand that job to Cops.

But guns are a subject where you can never discuss with an American. They can discuss anything but guns.

I am just sorry for you American's , your culture is based on Guns...

What is more pathetic is they proudly show picture of their guns like showing their kids picture. It is absolutely crazy...
No, our culture is based on individual liberty, responsibility and accountability... unfortunately to many Americans these days want to enjoy the fruits individual liberty without the responsibility and accountability that come with it.

As for police protecting us from burglars... go listen to this, it's a recording of 911 call between a woman named Donna Jackson who live in rural Oklahoma and police dispatchers as man was attempting break into her home. The nearest police officer was roughly 20 minutes away... My question for you is what would you have had her do?
Those who ask for gun control are ignorant to the real facts. Freedom to own firearms is what keeps our country *free*. The rights of American's are slowly being taken away over time... this is the last bastion of freedom if it's taken we're in a bad position.

In the wake of such a tragedy the kneejerk reaction is always to make it never happen again, but the reality is this guy could have used any weapon... think about the mass stabbing recently.

One footnote on gun control:
According to in relation to homicides in the UK.
  • The most common method of killing continues to be by sharp instrument. In 2010/11, there were 232 victims killed in this way, accounting for 36 per cent of all homicides. This was an increase from the 210 homicides (35%) that involved a sharp instrument in 2009/10.
  • There were 60 shooting homicide victims in 2010/11, an increase of 19 offences compared with the 41 in 2009/10.
If there's a will, there's a way....
Gotta love people comparing guns to knives. Can the gun lovers answer me this...

Do you feel that the safest we could be as a society is if everyone is forced to carry a gun? Like if you forgot your gun at home, you get a ticket, or are charged criminally. Would we be safer if EVERYONE was packing. Is there an age limit? Like you have to be 21 and over? What about in places where alcohol is involved like a sports game or a bar? Is it ok for everyone to have a gun on their waist?
As for police protecting us from burglars... go listen to this, it's a recording of 911 call between a woman named Donna Jackson who live in rural Oklahoma and police dispatchers as man was attempting break into her home. The nearest police officer was roughly 20 minutes away... My question for you is what would you have had her do?

This is one of the craziest things I've listened to... so many things wrong with this. How many times did that 911 operator (apparently) turn around and tell someone else what to do... that was just crazy, good on this woman for defending herself and ensuring her survival.
Gotta love people comparing guns to knives. Can the gun lovers answer me this...

Do you feel that the safest we could be as a society is if everyone is forced to carry a gun? Like if you forgot your gun at home, you get a ticket, or are charged criminally. Would we be safer if EVERYONE was packing. Is there an age limit? Like you have to be 21 and over? What about in places where alcohol is involved like a sports game or a bar? Is it ok for everyone to have a gun on their waist?

Your question has no basis in reality... and is nothing more than trolling.

Please see this:
This is one of the craziest things I've listened to... so many things wrong with this. How many times did that 911 operator (apparently) turn around and tell someone else what to do... that was just crazy, good on this woman for defending herself and ensuring her survival.
The 911 operator was talking to the dispatcher who was relaying the information to the responding officers... it isn't pretty, but that's how the system works.
Gotta love people comparing guns to knives. Can the gun lovers answer me this...

Do you feel that the safest we could be as a society is if everyone is forced to carry a gun? Like if you forgot your gun at home, you get a ticket, or are charged criminally. Would we be safer if EVERYONE was packing. Is there an age limit? Like you have to be 21 and over? What about in places where alcohol is involved like a sports game or a bar? Is it ok for everyone to have a gun on their waist?
I shouldn't feed the trolls, but no one is suggesting that -- at least not anyone with half a brain... as a former police officer, I know from first hand experience that some people are just to damn crazy, stupid or irresponsible to be trusted with a blunt instrument much less a firearm. I also know from first hand experience if you think the police can protect you or prevent crime you're delusional. With very rare exceptions what usually happens is we show up after the deed has been done and do the paperwork.
I shouldn't feed the trolls, but no one is suggesting that -- at least not anyone with half a brain... as a former police officer, I know from first hand experience that some people are just to damn crazy, stupid or irresponsible to be trusted with a blunt instrument much less a firearm. I also know from first hand experience if you think the police can protect you or prevent crime you're delusional. With very rare exceptions what usually happens is we show up after the deed has been done and do the paperwork.

It's common sense that the police cannot make it to your house in time even with the tools such as 911... the bottom line is you are responsible as a citizen to take care of yourself, including protecting yourself.
I'd like to ask for information from those who support gun ownership.

I understand the original idea by the founders of American society was that gun ownership protected political freedom.
That is, that an unarmed citizenry cannot stand up to government and other authorities to protect their rights and freedoms.
I have seen comments here that suggest that this is still true today, that guns are essential to protect political freedom.

How does this work?
I ask because I have not observed any use of guns in campaigns about civil rights, feminism, children's rights etc Campaigns, petitions, demonstrations, lobbying in Washington do not include guns. Occasionally a demo has a violent event but this doesn't help its cause. Similarly some freedom fighters have been assassinated by a gun; so have presidents and other politicians trying to achieve better freedoms. This does not help them do their job! Nor does high security against guns help politicians communicate with ordinary people, it shuts them off behind guards and barriers.
Government has become far more oppressive and many freedoms have been lost.I have not noticed gun owners being prominent in the struggles against this. If anything they tend to be conservative and support the control of citizens by legal authorities.

I really cannot see how gun owners contribute to greater freedom. Please explain.
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