GoodForNothing Link Proxy

GoodForNothing Link Proxy 1.0.5

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Yeah, option would be the way to go. I would have this as just a re-director, don't really care about anonymizing it.
any chances to add 3rd party url redirection services ? ,
for example :
A option text field in the admin pages would be nice, something like :
Enter 3rd party anonymizer$URL
Hello everyone, my internet connection was down, so I couldn't reply to anything :)
Yeah, option would be the way to go. I would have this as just a re-director, don't really care about anonymizing it.
I go that alright ;)
any chances to add 3rd party url redirection services ? ,
for example :
A option text field in the admin pages would be nice, something like :
Enter 3rd party anonymizer$URL
do you really need that? you can just add the javascript...
Hm, i am using the TagMe Addon: and when i tag someone & click on his name, then i will not redirectet + i have to click to continue + then i am on error page (this site does not exist).
ok, now it works, sorry. :(
This also happened to me... I've found a solution... will be updating thee add-on soon :)
rel=nofollow is what controls SEO linking... anonymity of URL's does nothing for SEO as Google discards redirects and measures the source to the origin, hence how affiliate links are also tracked so well by Google using this method, thus downgraded for affiliate sites offering nothing unique. Googles algorithm is much smarter than anonymous URL redirects unfortunately.

You can actually test this in Google Analytics by setting up such redirects with tracking and watch analytics show the source and the origin only, discarding all redirects in-between.
So what does this mean for the average forum admin in Layman's Terms please?
So what does this mean for the average forum admin in Layman's Terms please?
Well... it means you cannot anonymize a URL for SEO purposes, ie. so you aren't punished for a site being linked to, or to try and not pass a tick of approval to Google for a site you have linked to on your website.

Google reads "start url" doesn't care about everything in-between, regardless how many redirects or scripts you try and run to confuse Google, then it reads "the source" url.

Affiliate websites years ago got smashed by Google for anything that looked like an affiliate link, all because the sites usually don't provide unique content, they're built to make a third party money. Google doesn't care about third parties, Google would rather just present the original source as the leading listing/s. So people got around this by anonymizing URL's, and it did work for a while, thus affiliate websites got listed once again due to how Google read URL's.

Now... all that is gone and you cannot anonymize a URL for any purpose other than what the author here has clearly exclaimed this mod for: which is noting to uses they are being redirected to a third party site.

This is why you don't see affiliate shops and such leading in listing. A comparison search engine is the same thing, however; those that you see listed are typically a big business model and series business, thus the site is well maintained and provides not just an affiliate commission, but a comparison to users... so Google don't punish that as it serves a legitimate purpose.

What doesn't serve a legitimate purpose though, is an Amazon affiliate store website... when the source, being the Amazon pages themselves, are what Google is interested in... not some third party trying to make a buck from an affiliate store that provides no comparison shopping or such initiative.
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