GoodForNothing Image Optimizer [Paid] [Deleted]

Well there is also some changes coming to Kraken that might need to be addressed so not sure how much longer this addon will work once those changes take affect. I got an email about it recently.
So I am working on adding PNG support and thought of going with optipng for lossless compression and pngquant for lossy (and both have excellent results).
One issue with optipng is that it does not support stdio piping so I guess I have to add stdio support to optipng myself :(
Hope that can be added soon ;)
Yeah. He messaged him for awhile now and no response.
Any reply?
I just sent a MP before buying...
He's gone.
I wish he'd have added png support too but the jpg optimization is great. Until an upgrade breaks his abandoned code...
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Is there any way to call up the Attachment ID from the add-on? I have run this for a couple hundred attachments using jpegoptim. It shows the content ID's in the low hundreds, and when I tried to call these up in a post, they all come up with errors. Wondering if these were corrupted, or I am referencing the wrong ID.

Essentially wondering if there is anyway to confirm it is optimizing the images and not corrupting them?
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Hello everyone, apologies for going out of network without any proper reasons. I had an initial look on the new API changes to and it seems like the changes wont break the add-on.

I am currently working on a new add-on called GFNImageOptimizer which is basically a name change and a lot of changes to the core files to allow seamless integration with almost any compressor which is currently not much possible because of how GFNKraken has been coded which is preventing me from adding support for
Hello everyone, apologies for going out of network without any proper reasons. I had an initial look on the new API changes to and it seems like the changes wont break the add-on.

I am currently working on a new add-on called GFNImageOptimizer which is basically a name change and a lot of changes to the core files to allow seamless integration with almost any compressor which is currently not much possible because of how GFNKraken has been coded which is preventing me from adding support for

Any estimate on when this is expected? Also will members who purchased this add-on receive that one as well since it is essentially the same functionality?
I changed servers and had techs reinstall jpegoptim... now I'm getting this error in compression logs:

/usr/local/bin/jpegoptim: unrecognized option '--stdin'
/usr/local/bin/jpegoptim: unrecognized option '--stdout'
Bought this a while ago, got busy and never took the time to set it up. Finally configured it.... - Optimized ~250K Attachments with 90% quality using jpegoptim saving 55% (108GB to 52GB). Cannot believe how massive of a change this made. Previously had a lot of huge bloated files (~5mb), this shrunk many of them down to ~200kb with no noticeable change in quality!

Cannot wait for the next iteration!
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