XF 1.1 Global RSS Feed....

Gene Steinberg

Well-known member
You say in your 1.1b3 release announcement:

Global RSS Feed

There is now a global RSS feed covering all forums. It is accessible via the <link rel="alternate" ... /> tag in the <head> of the forum list page.

OK, so I don't see any options to add this under Options, or do a I see any such command in the forum_list template.

So would you explain how to make this work in English please? :)
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Copycat ;)

I can't actually decide if I prefer yours or mine... I didn't go with the hover (although I do really like it) but I had a feeling that it was perhaps a little less 'floaty' to put it in the corner rather than before the text. I'm still undecided.
The reason I went with the icon on the left was purely for the symmetry with text at the outside edge of the footer on both sides.

I'm also not convinced on the opacity/hover, it tends to make it look a bit washed out.
Bottom right.
Looks good, Mr. Kier. :)

Just an update to those who are wondering: Google seems to love the new Global RSS feed.

EDIT: Bing has found some errors with the feed... And it's not saying why.

Screencap time.


When I click it to investigate, it just redirects me to the same screen.

What I don't understand is how is it that Bing finds errors with the Global RSS feed, but Yahoo can slurp it without problems. Its even submitted to Microsoft - the creators of Bing. o_O


I have errors with the global feed when putting my global feed into link in my wordpress widget. I even installed another rss widget and put the global rss feed to my feedburner. It worked for awhile then stopped working. Strange.
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