Fixed getUserReactionsTabSummary is too slow

K a M a L

Well-known member
Affected version
I'm not sure if this should be considered bug or improvement request , I run a forum where
has more than 24M records , my slow query log is full with
SELECT content.reaction_id, COUNT(*)
            FROM xf_reaction_content AS content
            FORCE INDEX (content_user_id_reaction_date)
            INNER JOIN xf_reaction AS reaction ON
                (content.reaction_id = reaction.reaction_id)
            WHERE content.content_user_id = '125'
                AND = 1
                AND content.is_counted = 1
            GROUP BY content.reaction_id
            ORDER BY reaction.display_order;

This query takes about 16 seconds on a powerful server
after applying some optimizations it now takes only 0.2 seconds
suggested optimizations include
1 - creating optimal indexes
ALTER TABLE `xf_reaction` ADD INDEX `xf_reaction_idx_active_reaction_id` (`active`,`reaction_id`);
ALTER TABLE `xf_reaction_content` ADD INDEX `xf_reaction_content_idx_content_id_is_counted_reaction_id` (`content_user_id`,`is_counted`,`reaction_id`);

2- Avoiding Optimizer Hints
FORCE INDEX (content_user_id_reaction_date)
causes performance degradation.

3- Avoiding type casting
while preparing query , method
to string , this prevents MySQL using index if column is indexed
Worth mentioning that we have added indexes in 2.2 (we generally only do alters on big tables in second point releases).

They are a little different than here, though there are also some other changes to the tab summary query. For example, we haven't added the xf_reaction index mentioned and I don't actually think it ultimately does much. We have added an index to xf_reaction_content to help here, including reaction_date at the end which should also help with browsing the specific reaction tab as well.
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