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Get old RSS Feeds from vB DB Tables


Well-known member
On my XenForo install, I imported it from vBulletin using the XenForo importer. This usually means (or it did in my case) that in your XenForo database you still have your old vBulletin tables.

Now that XenForo has RSS Feeds in Beta 6, and I lost all my feeds in the import from XenForo to vBulletin, now I want them back, so I wrote a way to retrieve that data without setting up a vBulletin install to check.

This is a simple script which enables you to see all your old RSS feeds and such so you can put them into your new XenForo feeds area, it gives you a query you can run in PHPMyAdmin, and a button to press to insert them into XenForo. It converts your old vBulletin feeds to the new XenForo feeds structures. (so {feed:link} becomes {link}).

Open the php file, find the following code and edit it.

$host = "localhost"; // If you don't know, DONT TOUCH.
$dbuser = ""; // Change me to the XenForo Database User (for example, xenfans)
$dbname = ""; // Change me to the XenForo Database Name (for example, xenforo)
$dbpass = ""; // Change me to the XenForo Database Pass
$tblprefix = ""; // Change me to the vBulletin table prefix. (for example, vb3_, can be blank.)

upload this to your forum root, so it's yoursite.com/getfeeds.php
note, remove this script after you've used it.

This is an alpha unsupported plugin, though we take the greatest caution to make sure that this plugin is secure, and safe, xenfans is not responsible for any damages caused by this plugin

xfb6-xenfans-vb-feeder.webp xfb6-newfeeder.webp


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