Genius Program

Genius Program 2023-04-19

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Still concerning the ratio, I think I'm going to make sure that it only appears from a certain number of messages: because for a new member who would write 2 messages and receive 1 positive reaction would have a ratio of 1, then if he continued to post and gets 10 posts for 8 positive reactions he would have 0.8... So the ratio only makes sense from a certain number of posts where it starts to balance out; Before that it only to decreases and then stabilizes.

So it's a bit tricky as a value to manage.

I even suppose that it should only be taken into account from 500 messages. But that does not seem exaggerated to me because the purpose of this add-on is to identify the members who are a real plus for the forum, therefore active members who would easily reach this cap of 500 messages to trigger the display of the ratio.

While waiting for it to appear, a small replacement icon with hover text would explain how it works.
Nicolas FR updated Genius Member with a new update entry:

Global improvements, replacement of a criterion.

Overall improvements:
  • HTML correction, one : was lying around in the code. (thanks @Wanji)
  • Use of XenForo syntax for FontAwesome icons (the icons now respect the weight defined in the XenForo options.
  • Better description of Success, Locked, and Disabled icons when hovered over them.
  • Widgets are renamed:
    • Espace large : Your goals for the Genius grade!
    • Narrow space: Genius grade goals

Read the rest of this update entry...
Is there a way that it only looks at criteria over the last month or x months or whatever.

So it only includes members who are currently active and if they stop posting then they get demoted?
Is there a way that it only looks at criteria over the last month or x months or whatever.

So it only includes members who are currently active and if they stop posting then they get demoted?
I will see if it is feasible according to my skills. It's interesting in any case.
Nah you're doing great. Maybe just collect suggestions you will implement and do batches or else just call it a beta.
Sorry if I missed some instructions, but how do I download this? I got to the French forum and signed up, but my French is not very good. I cannot seem to find a download but do see:

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Commenting to say this is a really cool idea and couldn't be more fitting for my forum. I'll be trying it out later when I get a chance.
I would be happy to offer you a solution but I lack information: it is the criteria icons that are not displayed, is that right? On the 2 widgets (wide and narrow)? What have you tried to fix the problem?
Ok, i just installed UIX and it seems that this style can't render icons using the XF syntax:
<xf:fa icon="fa-comments />

But it works with this syntax
<i class="far fa-comments"></i>

Capture web_25-1-2023_23332_localhost.webp

@ThemeHouse Can you confirm this and tell me the direction to take to solve this problem? :)
@Nicolas FR I absolutely love the idea of this add-on -- thank you for making it available to the community! I've downloaded a copy from your site .. but have not yet installed it. Everything was in French (after two years of French, mine is still not the best!) -- so I am curious if there is an English version of the add-on to download or if a translation exists in this copy downloaded for your site?

Appreciate you! ♥️
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