Genius Program

Genius Program 2023-04-19

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Have you tried leaving the XenForo base font size and using only bold for highlighting without enlarging the font? This is how it looks in my phone:
Hello, on iPhone 11 it's like that


What device do you use ?
If you can give the screen resolution it would be perfect.
I think that actual criterias help too much peoples that post a lot.
Maybe some more criterias are needed, something "sharper" like the quotient beetween # posts and votes, # posts and solutions, # proposed solutions and solutions, etc.

Of the 5 criteria retained, there is ultimately only the number of messages which essentially depends on the user concerned, the others depend on the community. It is not easy to obtain solutions or votes for answers, look here on the members' page for statistics for example.

Trophy points are configurable by the administrator, it's up to you to make the objective more or less easily attainable.
The reaction score is a little more random but it's a value that doesn't go up that easily either.

So it's just the number of messages that can be reached by posting content that is not necessarily interesting, just to raise the score but even by reaching this objective there will remain 4 to be a "genius"!

And then with the green icon of success obtained for this objective, it may encourage the user to publish quality content, the only one that will achieve the difficult solutions/voting score objectives/

But adding additional selection criteria...why not?
The idea of a quotient between different values is a real interesting idea.
@Miri @MapleOne @Wanji @Lee @Kintaro
Hi guys, i wanted to share with you a little thought :
The problem I encounter with the widgets is that they will remain displayed even if the objectives are all achieved.

To solve this problem there are 3 steps currently:
  1. The first is to indicate a display condition according to the user groups selected in the options of the Genius Member add-on.
    If I select user groups 3 and 4 (ID) in the add-on options then I apply the condition $xf.visitor.isMemberOf([3, 4]) and the widget only displays for them. Good!
  2. A member has achieved all goals, automatically the genius icon is displayed near his username. Perfect. But he is surprised to always see the Genius Member widget, what is it for now since he has achieved his goals? To nothing ! Second step, random this one, the member makes the remark to a moderator or an administrator.
  3. If it is a moderator who is notified, he must himself notify an administrator since he does not have the power to resolve this situation. So the administrator, once notified, has only one choice: to manually promote the new Genius to a new user group, one that is not selected for the Genius Member program of course. This is also interesting because the Geniuses could be granted new privileges in this user group that has been reserved for them.
You see right away that for a very active forum it will quickly become unmanageable!!

However, there is a very simple solution: create a user group promotion with criteria modeled on those of the Genie Member program. So when the objectives of the Genius Member program are reached and the promotion of the user group is triggered, the widgets delete themselves!

Unfortunately, everything is never easy, and the Vote Score criterion does not exist in user group promotions... So the solution falls through!
Unless... Unless I replace this Vote Score criterion with one that is present in user group promotions! And the only answer to that is the reaction/messages ratio...

What do you guys think? Is it worth replacing the Vote Score with this ratio?
@Kintaro already suggested it in his last message.

All this would be perfect provided that the criteria of the promotions of the user groups are cumulative! If a single criterion reached triggers the promotion then everything is screwed! I need to check this, unless you already know?
I would honestly leave it simple as it is. All I can suggest is: that once the threshold of the 'criteria' is reached, the criterion itself is hidden from view, leaving only the criteria not reached. When all criteria are reached, display a thank-you sentence.
It will be up to the administrator to add other genius levels for other user groups if he so wishes.
@Miri @MapleOne @Wanji @Lee @Kintaro
Hi guys, i wanted to share with you a little thought :
The problem I encounter with the widgets is that they will remain displayed even if the objectives are all achieved.

To solve this problem there are 3 steps currently:
  1. The first is to indicate a display condition according to the user groups selected in the options of the Genius Member add-on.
    If I select user groups 3 and 4 (ID) in the add-on options then I apply the condition $xf.visitor.isMemberOf([3, 4]) and the widget only displays for them. Good!
  2. A member has achieved all goals, automatically the genius icon is displayed near his username. Perfect. But he is surprised to always see the Genius Member widget, what is it for now since he has achieved his goals? To nothing ! Second step, random this one, the member makes the remark to a moderator or an administrator.
  3. If it is a moderator who is notified, he must himself notify an administrator since he does not have the power to resolve this situation. So the administrator, once notified, has only one choice: to manually promote the new Genius to a new user group, one that is not selected for the Genius Member program of course. This is also interesting because the Geniuses could be granted new privileges in this user group that has been reserved for them.
You see right away that for a very active forum it will quickly become unmanageable!!

However, there is a very simple solution: create a user group promotion with criteria modeled on those of the Genie Member program. So when the objectives of the Genius Member program are reached and the promotion of the user group is triggered, the widgets delete themselves!

Unfortunately, everything is never easy, and the Vote Score criterion does not exist in user group promotions... So the solution falls through!
Unless... Unless I replace this Vote Score criterion with one that is present in user group promotions! And the only answer to that is the reaction/messages ratio...

What do you guys think? Is it worth replacing the Vote Score with this ratio?
@Kintaro already suggested it in his last message.

All this would be perfect provided that the criteria of the promotions of the user groups are cumulative! If a single criterion reached triggers the promotion then everything is screwed! I need to check this, unless you already know?
How about if you wrap the whole block in a conditional, or use it as a display criteria?

<xf:if is="{{$xf.visitor.message_count < $xf.options.geniusMemberPosts.level}} || {{$xf.visitor.question_solution_count < $xf.options.geniusMemberSolutions.level}} || {{$xf.visitor.vote_score < $xf.options.geniusMemberVote.level}} || {{$xf.visitor.reaction_score < $xf.options.geniusMemberReaction.level}} || {{$xf.visitor.trophy_points < $xf.options.geniusMemberTrophy.level">
Block HTML

This way the block will only show if any of the goals have not been met.
How about if you wrap the whole block in a conditional, or use it as a display criteria?

<xf:if is="{{$xf.visitor.message_count < $xf.options.geniusMemberPosts.level}} || {{$xf.visitor.question_solution_count < $xf.options.geniusMemberSolutions.level}} || {{$xf.visitor.vote_score < $xf.options.geniusMemberVote.level}} || {{$xf.visitor.reaction_score < $xf.options.geniusMemberReaction.level}} || {{$xf.visitor.trophy_points < $xf.options.geniusMemberTrophy.level">
Block HTML

This way the block will only show if any of the goals have not been met.
You might want to check that the criteria is enabled too.
I would honestly leave it simple as it is. All I can suggest is: that once the threshold of the 'criteria' is reached, the criterion itself is hidden from view, leaving only the criteria not reached. When all criteria are reached, display a thank-you sentence.
Thanks for your answer.
What bothers me is that the block remains visible, even with a success sentence it seems useless to me, a few days why not but there it would remain... for life in a way if there is no manual action by the administrator.
Automation is the solution in my opinion.
This way the block will only show if any of the goals have not been met.
Thanks @Lee for this solution.
Since yesterday I had also thought of conditioning the complete display of the block and it is indeed a real solution.

But matching the Genius criteria with the promotion criteria opens up real possibilities: automating block removal while rewarding members for meeting Genius goals. And after all it would be a shame to achieve the overall goal and only have "one icon" as a reward, having extra privileges seems like something important to me that admins will probably want to use.

I have already found the solution to use the reaction/posts ratio and this has 2 advantages: it complicates the overall objective a little (but this criterion can still be deactivated just in case) and as @Kintaro suggested it also allows members who wish to reach the Genius "grade" of not publishing anything and everything: the more content you publish that does not get a positive reaction, the more your ratio decreases... (Which admin does not dream of seeing the content published by members gain in quality?)

Besides, this reaction/posts ration could be called reputation.

BTW it's live on my forum.
@Miri @MapleOne @Wanji @Lee @Kintaro
Hi guys, i wanted to share with you a little thought :
The problem I encounter with the widgets is that they will remain displayed even if the objectives are all achieved.

To solve this problem there are 3 steps currently:
  1. The first is to indicate a display condition according to the user groups selected in the options of the Genius Member add-on.
    If I select user groups 3 and 4 (ID) in the add-on options then I apply the condition $xf.visitor.isMemberOf([3, 4]) and the widget only displays for them. Good!
  2. A member has achieved all goals, automatically the genius icon is displayed near his username. Perfect. But he is surprised to always see the Genius Member widget, what is it for now since he has achieved his goals? To nothing ! Second step, random this one, the member makes the remark to a moderator or an administrator.
  3. If it is a moderator who is notified, he must himself notify an administrator since he does not have the power to resolve this situation. So the administrator, once notified, has only one choice: to manually promote the new Genius to a new user group, one that is not selected for the Genius Member program of course. This is also interesting because the Geniuses could be granted new privileges in this user group that has been reserved for them.
You see right away that for a very active forum it will quickly become unmanageable!!

However, there is a very simple solution: create a user group promotion with criteria modeled on those of the Genie Member program. So when the objectives of the Genius Member program are reached and the promotion of the user group is triggered, the widgets delete themselves!

Unfortunately, everything is never easy, and the Vote Score criterion does not exist in user group promotions... So the solution falls through!
Unless... Unless I replace this Vote Score criterion with one that is present in user group promotions! And the only answer to that is the reaction/messages ratio...

What do you guys think? Is it worth replacing the Vote Score with this ratio?
@Kintaro already suggested it in his last message.

All this would be perfect provided that the criteria of the promotions of the user groups are cumulative! If a single criterion reached triggers the promotion then everything is screwed! I need to check this, unless you already know?

Just a small detail. I see there is a colon there.

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It seems impossible to apply this to two different groups with different criteria. For example, a student group only needs 2 criteria, while the general group requires 5 criteria. And...for students maybe the title is 'You passed'.
No currently the add-on does not allow this and I doubt it will in future versions, it requires PHP development that I do not master.

Just a small detail. I see there is a colon there.
Fixed in the next version. Thanks.

Thanks, the next version will include the ratio instead of the voting score. I renamed ratio by reputation but it can be changed in phrases.
According to my calculations and the message/reputation averages that I was able to analyze here on the ratio scale could be this:
  1. easy goal: 0,05 to 0.35
  2. average goal: 0.4 to 0.55
  3. difficult goal: 0.6 to 0.75
  4. above 0.75 is really a genius !! haha!
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