Genius Program

Genius Program 2023-04-19

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Old Nick

Well-known member
Nicolas FR submitted a new resource:

Genius Member - Easily identify your genius members on your forum according to 4 criteria.

Easily identify your genius members on your forum by placing an icon of your choice after their username.
When hovering over the icon, a text of your choice is displayed.

There are 4 selection criteria to be identified as a member of genius:
  1. Number of posts
  2. Number of Solutions
  3. Trophy points
  4. Reaction score
The criteria are cumulative and can be individually disabled by setting a value to 0.

Administrator Panel - Options :


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This is a great idea, but would the settings for this be better as options not style properties?

It seems a bit redundant to have to set this for multiple styles.
This resource is temporarily inaccessible on my forum, the time to modify it following the remark of @Lee.
Sorry for this little hiccup.
If you also had a way to assign the GENIUS badge on a per member level instead of post count etc then this addon could do dual function and could be used for other purposes like a member verification badge.

So leave all the settings but add a way to manually assign it to a member that may have been born a genius :ROFLMAO:
If you also had a way to assign the GENIUS badge on a per member level instead of post count etc then this addon could do dual function and could be used for other purposes like a member verification badge.
It's not really the purpose of this add-on. :)
Hope this add on will trigger my students to answer more questions :)

What if I want to create a navigation button to answer a question. So when members click on the button they will see a list of all the questions.
What if I want to create a navigation button to answer a question. So when members click on the button they will see a list of all the questions.
It depends of what you want exactly but you can manage this with a node-page if you are somewhat comfortable with HTML. But it will be hard coded, if you want something more interactive and with a back-end then it will require custom development.
It's not really the purpose of this add-on. :)

OK, so by adding member group it works like a charm on my test board.

I added verified members and the badge shows beside the members name in the profile.

My current verified addon has a few bugs so I am looking for a replacement and Genius looks to me to be a multifaceted addon.

The thing I would like to see is the ability to show the icon globally, in other words wherever the member name is displayed. In responses, messages, profiles, pretty well anywhere.

Could be a setting...

1. Show Icon globally

2. Show icon only in profile
@MapleOne otherwise you can test this simple trick :

In the configuration of the user group for which you want members to have a badge next to their username, put for example border: none; in the Username CSS field, which will automatically create a CSS class of this type .username--style2 where 2 is the usergorup ID. Yours will be probably different.

in extra.less template add this
.username--style2:after {
    .m-faBase('Pro', @faWeight-solid);
    color: #47A7EB;
    margin-left: 2px;

Give it a try ! ;)
Nicolas FR updated Genius Member with a new update entry:

Added Genius Member block

Addition of a block (option to place it above or below the forums) which includes the objectives to be achieved to become a genius member, it is only displayed to members of the user group(s) who participate in the program (option) but it can be disabled globally.

The user and goal value are displayed:
  • When a level is reached (equal or higher value) a green pass of success replaces the values of the user and the value of the objective.
  • If an objective is disabled in the options...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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