Gamer Profiles -

Gamer Profiles - 1.0.3

No permission to download
Probably because it is looking for a field to uninstall which you have already removed. Can you not re-add the field?

And it would help if you posted the error you get when trying to uninstall the add-on.
Probably because it is looking for a field to uninstall which you have already removed. Can you not re-add the field?

And it would help if you posted the error you get when trying to uninstall the add-on.

I got it but i dont want an error when i try to uninstall it thats all
I have a fresh Install of Xenforo 1.4.5 and cant install it:
Field IDs must be unique. The specified ID is already in use.

Any Ideas?
I'll test this out when I get home here in a few, the field ID would be a custom user field. Are there any other add-ons you have installed that adds custom fields?

The field ids added with this are pretty unique so I'm not sure what it could be.
Hey Steve

Sorry for the late Answer.
Here is the Screenshot:
28-03-2015 16-30-19.webp

Do you mean, thats the Problem?
Should i complete remove all Fields?

Was this installed previously? Those fields at the top are all part of the add-on.

What do you see on your Contact Details page?
I didnt installed this Addon before. I just tried it, but with the Error above.
Should i completely remove ALL those Fields and try it again?

Edit: i mean all above League of Legends?
Before you do that, are there any options present in the ACP or style properties under [PE] Gamer Profiles?
Doesn't seem to show up properly for me?

like i add a twitter url, but it doesnt show up?

same within the post, steam/origin etc show in the profile popup but not in the postbit?

any idea @Steve F
Make sure custom fields are enabled

ACP -> Style Properties -> Message Elements -> Show Custom User Fields
I get this when hovering over icons in the postbit.. For instance, this is PSN:


Profile goes to when you right click the broken image and open link in new tab.
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