Add-on Gallery Add On That Pulls Images From Main Forum

Which do you like better ?

Images only ?

smaller images with text ?

View attachment 153977
You can have images only in XFMG if that is what is desired.

Maybe XenForo 2 will crack open the lead sarcophagus that currently encases Attachments a bit and enable addons like the Media Gallery to exhibit them in all the interesting ways they can currently display uploaded media. Right now, Attachments are a remote island that can only be navigated to by loading the exact post it was attached to.
Maybe XenForo 2 will crack open the lead sarcophagus that currently encases Attachments a bit and enable addons like the Media Gallery to exhibit them in all the interesting ways they can currently display uploaded media. Right now, Attachments are a remote island that can only be navigated to by loading the exact post it was attached to.

More like a thousand islands.... :LOL:
How would you expect to navigate an attachment gallery with 300,000 attachments in it? You would need some sort of AI and still a lot of work to build the structure and indices.

A technique I have used on a non-forum site is to allow objects, which may each have many attachments, to belong to an unlimited number of categories/collections. You can then filter for those objects that belong to multiple categories. I think that general approach might work for an attachments gallery, where you could consider each thread an object and use thread tags as categories. You could alternatively use posts for the objects if your thread usage made that work better.
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