Friend Inviter [Paid] [Deleted]

I think there should be a choice between both but honestly I would be okay with their not being a DM option because I did my research and learned from experts and experience that most people don't read their DMs and when they do get them most are pissed off that it's 'spam'. Tweets directly to someone's walls actually results back in more traffic to your site because their followers will see your tweet and investigate and just because they ignored it doesn't mean some of their followers will.
Ok, so Twitter would work then by getting your Twitter followers?

And probably post something like:

@8thos, check out this site blah <shortened URL>
Yeah, so I made the decision to reduce the price of the add-on.

It's now only £10 / $15.

I've done this as I feel now the add-on represents decent value for money, where potentially it didn't previously.

It may be the case that I raise the price in the future once I have added more services and features.

Anyone who has purchased so far has received a partial refund so they can enjoy the new price too.
Fair play on the price drop Chris :)

A thought for a possible extra feature:

Would it be possible to add some ACP based options so that you can set the system to run to cron job nightly to check for users who have been a member for more then x days.
The mod could then send them a PM to these users saying something a long the lines of:

"I hope you've enjoyed your time so far at xxxx,
Now that you've had a bit of time to settle in why not invite your friends?
Click here to select which of your Facebook friends or other contacts you'd like to send an invite too."

I'm sure there's a much better way of wording it, but you get the idea.

Personally I think it would be nice to have the selection area to be larger so you can see more contacts at once. Although this is easy css change if anyone wants to do it themselves:

.friend_inviter_facebook #links {
    height: 490px;

I've just realised - I've got a list of contacts on my business facebook account that I will want to invite to my new forum in a couple of weeks. It's damn near impossible to send them all a message through facebook these day, but I can quickly and easily invite all 500 of them using this!

The time saved will be worth the tenner alone :)
Slight style issue for fluid width styles on large monitors, the checkbox for a given person is quite far away from the profile picture and next to someone elses profile picture instead.

I don't know if it's possible to scale the number of columns to fit more in on wider screens, or peraps a slight background colour for each person to connect the checkbox to the correct avatar.

facebook invite.webp
This css cleans it up for for fluid style :)

/* Fixes layout for fluid style */
.friend_inviter_facebook .titleBar,
.friend_inviter_facebook .subTitle {
width: 1000px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
.friend_inviter_facebook .explain {
display: block;
width: 1000px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
.InviteSelectorForm.AutoValidator {
width: 1000px;
margin: 0 auto;
Can members who set up an account directly with the forum, but have also associated their Facebook accounts, use this? I just installed it but not finding any way to make this work yet.
Can members who set up an account directly with the forum, but have also associated their Facebook accounts, use this? I just installed it but not finding any way to make this work yet.
Anyone can use it.

I've just used it on your site and I see there's an error...

You need to enable OpenSSL in your server configuration.
For the records' sake, registration rate jumped by about 30% on Day 1 of launching this. (y). Please note that the system sends out site link (not the registration link) to friends.
Did the registration spike continue, BigK? :)
You need to enable OpenSSL in your server configuration.
I'll need to google that since I've never heard of OpenSSL. I know my google integration isn't working properly. I am getting Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

Also, how did you access this on my site? I don't see any links anywhere.
I'll need to google that since I've never heard of OpenSSL. I know my google integration isn't working properly. I am getting Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

Also, how did you access this on my site? I don't see any links anywhere.
Mind if I take a look at your server later? I will do it for you and test it. I should still have access from when we last worked together unless passwords have changed?

Weirdest thing keeps happening by the way.

I get your PMs via e-mail but they don't appear in my Inbox :confused:

Was the last one a brand new conversation or was it one of our old ones? I'll send you a message...

EDIT: I've just realised... you've been sending messages to Chris_D instead of Chris Deeming... I have an account attached to my license and account attached to the Valve Time license... makes sense now... I will reply now I know where the message is going :p
Mind if I take a look at your server later? I will do it for you and test it. I should still have access from when we last worked together unless passwords have changed?

Weirdest thing keeps happening by the way.

I get your PMs via e-mail but they don't appear in my Inbox :confused:

Was the last one a brand new conversation or was it one of our old ones? I'll send you a message...

EDIT: I've just realised... you've been sending messages to Chris_D instead of Chris Deeming... I have an account attached to my license and account attached to the Valve Time license... makes sense now... I will reply now I know where the message is going :p
Yep. That's it. Sorry about that.

Yes, all passwords remain as before. Thanks for your help. I really think this is going to be a big boost in registrations and the timing couldn't be better.

Edit: Got Google integration working now.
I'm buying this add-on soon...
I just need more demo pics and some motivation (feedback) :D

Thanks a lot for making this very needed feature
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