[FreddysHouse] Two-factor Authentication

[FreddysHouse] Two-factor Authentication 1.3.3

No permission to download
Hmm that's probably part of XenForo's login process. It's implying you got to the login page without filling in the form and pressing enter but tried to pass your login details another way (e.g a GET request)
Wow thanks for the response that was quick. I'm new to xenforo, but how would I fix such an issue?

I guess some little experiments might help. Can you describe exactly how you're logging in - I assume you're going to your forum, entering username/password, pressing login?

If you are then that sounds fine. Try disabling the two-factor add-on and see if that fixes your login troubles - if it does then I know it's something conflicting between two-factor and some other add-on you have, or a bug :)
Yeah, I'm logging in using username/password then authentication. After authentication the message pops up. I tried disabling the authentication briefly and I did not get the same error. Just went straight to my website.com/index.php

I'm using version 1.5
Use the prior version of this addon if having issues, as it runs fine without problems regardless of caching. You just don't have the latest features. I use the prior version, download from version history tab, and it works flawlessly.

That will at least solve your problems until @SheepCow sorts out the current problems with caching and such due to new features.
A quick question.

Can you set permissions for who can use the authentication? I only want to protect teh admin en mods accounts
OK, I am being totally stupid, but...

Once installed, go to the 'Home' tab, then click 'Install Method' from the 'Two-factor Authentication' section of the menu.

I can't find this option anywhere! Do you mean on the AdminCP, click the Home tab, and the menu choice should be in the sidebar menu to the left?

It gets hidden if you don't have permission to see it, check the user you're logged in to the Admin Control Panel as has the "Manage two-factor authentication" permission. Then it should appear:

I figured that out about an hour ago myself--I was trying to setup a test of XenTrader, and could not assign forums to it. Then I had one of those "lightbulb" moments, logged in with the master "admin" account, and sure enough, there it was. Didn't get back here in time to cancel the false alarm... ;) Thanks much!
Xenforo 1.1.5, latest version:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class XFCP_FreddysHouse_TwoFactor_Model_User in /usr/www/sngaming/public/library/XenForo/Application.php(410) : eval()'d code on line 1
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