Forums not actually, now dominate social groups

- Opening Poster is "bashing" Forums.
- Remaining Posters are "defending" Forums.

Feels like being on Farcebook :cautious::ROFLMAO:

Opening poster is bashing forums ON A FORUM. The irony of this entire thread is hilarious.

Interesting story: back in 2010 I said that Facebook would start seeing a mass exodus of people in 2014 as they realise their privacy is compromised and that there's not really that much worth on there... and I'm sticking to that. By the end of next year, expect to have seen a major shift in the way things work. PRISM has got a lot of people riled up (and that was only a matter of time before what we all suspected was confirmed)... and some of my friends are saying that they're reconsidering FB and Twitter because it's made them think a bit more about what they're sharing and with whom. (I realise the notion of privacy is still damaged, but if it's just got people to think about it, that can't be entirely a bad thing)

Forums came before Facebook and I'm willing to bet they'll still be around after Facebook too. I seem to recall MySpace being 'the death of forums' too... guess what... 2005 called, they want their MySpace back. 2014 is when I think we'll see Peak Facebook, heh.

EDIT: I don't know how I arrived at 2014 but I've been adamant that it'll be 2014.
Everytime I've seen a community who had a schism where one group leaves for Facebook they always come back within a few months because it is impossible to have a real conversation there :rolleyes:.

As soon as you get into some real issues, you might also find that Facebook shuts it down. Free speech doesn't mean much to them.
Opening poster is bashing forums ON A FORUM. The irony of this entire thread is hilarious.

Interesting story: back in 2010 I said that Facebook would start seeing a mass exodus of people in 2014 as they realise their privacy is compromised and that there's not really that much worth on there... and I'm sticking to that. By the end of next year, expect to have seen a major shift in the way things work. PRISM has got a lot of people riled up (and that was only a matter of time before what we all suspected was confirmed)... and some of my friends are saying that they're reconsidering FB and Twitter because it's made them think a bit more about what they're sharing and with whom. (I realise the notion of privacy is still damaged, but if it's just got people to think about it, that can't be entirely a bad thing)

Forums came before Facebook and I'm willing to bet they'll still be around after Facebook too. I seem to recall MySpace being 'the death of forums' too... guess what... 2005 called, they want their MySpace back. 2014 is when I think we'll see Peak Facebook, heh.

EDIT: I don't know how I arrived at 2014 but I've been adamant that it'll be 2014.

well, I have said numerous times on here that "Privacy is King", but got ignored and laughed at.
Anyway, speaking of PRISM, there is no "Privacy" left anymore. Not on FB, not at Google, not on any Forum and also not for any of your phone-calls.

Welcome to 1984. :eek:
I don't think it's necessarily do to with privacy. These things are cyclical.

First there was LiveJournal, where you could actually sit down and WRITE and BLOG in a social environment.

Then there was MySpace -- less substance, more bells & whistles

And now we have FaceBook -- all fluff in my not-so-humble opinion.

FaceBook had a good run, it's time for it to give way to other things, perhaps to a number of other things. WordPress may actually end up being the medium behind much of the internet for the forseeable future. Some examples are CBS news stations and the various Wired blogs; you can do a lot with the WordPress engine.
Xenforo is surviving because the social features are a big selling point. All forum software is, from Xenforo to VB to IPB, all of them implemented stuff that social networks did bring, from Notifications (alerts) system, to the Likes, the activity feeds, profile posts, follow system (follow system is sort of obsolete in xenforo), trophies...
The old style forums of only text-discussion that ones are obsolete, still used but slowly people are moving on to new platforms.

Xenforo did take the right approach in this kind of social functions, still it can be even more improved that way. :)
It won't get obsolete if forum software keep up with social features under the same more detailed, organized and complex software to discussion.
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... 99.9999% of "social media" cannot hold a candle to actual information that real people need to better their lives.
I'd like most social media to gossip and a good forum to a combo of a handyman magazine, a how-to textbook and an encyclopedia - and more...
I'd expand on that - forums are excellent for gossip as well as info. That is the traditional kind of gossip which exchanges personal needs and feelings Gossip originated in the god-sips, women who supported a birthing woman and sipped their way through the long cold night hours! So not shallow, more about clan bonds.

I like social media the way XF adapts it. FB itself ugh. It's all me me me what " I " had for breakfast, not asking about what you had! or comparing, which an interactive thread does so well. Plus Fb and its ilk are so huge, an ocean of dross where a forum can be a collection or clan of Persons.
I'd expand on that - forums are excellent for gossip as well as info. That is the traditional kind of gossip which exchanges personal needs and feelings Gossip originated in the god-sips, women who supported a birthing woman and sipped their way through the long cold night hours! So not shallow, more about clan bonds.

I like social media the way XF adapts it. FB itself ugh. It's all me me me what " I " had for breakfast, not asking about what you had! or comparing, which an interactive thread does so well. Plus Fb and its ilk are so huge, an ocean of dross where a forum can be a collection or clan of Persons.

there is just one core difference:

- Farcebook is merely building on to the "Social Graph": friending, who knows who, etc.
- Forums are merely dedicated to the "Interest Graph": interest-based threads.

This is the major key advantage of Forums.
I don't really see what one popular set of websites has to do with the effectiveness of software sold and designed to do something else.
I don't really see what one popular set of websites has to do with the effectiveness of software sold and designed to do something else.

Both assist people to connect with each other in networks/ communities.
One does it very superficially with the majority of input either one liners or passing on someone else's content (pic, news item).
The other can include that but predominantly favours longer input, even encompassing substantial inputs.
Pissbk emphasises "I'm writing a word WOW!" a soundbite of solipsistic egoism.
Forums can include the same, but tend to encourage threads, even long threads of interaction where people in small self selected groups pay (some) attention to each other's data, thoughts, feelings.

Essentially you can be a big noise on Pissbk without ever saying anything of interest, useful or from the heart. You can obsess on small facts about yourself and your daily round. You can do a kind of scrapbook, collecting others' pretty pics, or jokes, or comments, and pass them around. Do this shallow fuss in quantity and you're a Pissbk Princess or Prince.

On a forum this behaviour would not gain respect. It might be tolerated, even very moderately respected as providing pleasant clutter. But the people who get to be forum stars do substantial support work, or provide substantial services via software, write significant articles or reviews, share original artwork/ poems/ software designs, mediate conflicts, or lead/ coordinate groups, or show long term patience, wit and stamina in linking people together.
not sure if you noticed, but FB changed its "Privacy Features" today, so FB is moving into the right direction now with finally fully respecting the privacy of its users:

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