Forum Statistics -

Forum Statistics - 1.0.0

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Oops, working off the wrong version I have on my dev board.

Add this to EXTRA.css instead but keep the text-align: center; in the property
.peUserGroupLegend li {
  display: inline;

Err Edit: You will still need this in EXTRA.css as well, sorry.

.peGroups {
  float: none;
@Steve F I am trying to get usergroup legend to = banner colors.

<span class="peGroups" style="{$peForumStatsLegend.usergroup.username_css}" title="{$peForumStatsLegend.usergroup.user_title}">{$peForumStatsLegend.usergroup.title}<span class="divider">|</span></span>

Guess I have to change this line to use the userBanners? Will I have to chane username_css with userBanner css?
@Steve F

Is it possible to to remove everything a part the statistics (see att.)



  • Capture d’écran 2015-08-01 à 05.49.14.webp
    Capture d’écran 2015-08-01 à 05.49.14.webp
    5.3 KB · Views: 19
Honestly it just got put on the back burner, I need to clean it up and test some things. I'll look into trying to get it out soon.
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