XF 2.2 Font Awesome icons don't work


Hello everyone, I'm creating a forum about French video games but I can't set up the Font Awesome, even in the basic messages, can you tell me how I can activate or install something?

So it works, but why can't I put it in my forum posts?
Posts don't accept raw html

You can create a custom bbcode so e.g.make the html replacement
<i class="fas fa-{text}"></i>

Then if the bbcode tag is fa all you/they need is add the icon name between the [fa] and [/fa] in the post

Even easier if you give it an editor icon in the bbcode so they just choose that from the text box editor and just add the icon name.

(you'd need another bbcode for brand icons fab
XenForo 2.1+ uses Font Awesome 5. There is nothing extra to install or activate.

Have you tried html like this...

<i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i>
<i class="fab fa-youtube-square"></i>
<i class="fas fa-user"></i>
<i class="fas fa-wifi"></i>
So it works, but why can't I put it in my forum posts?
Posts don't accept raw html

You can create a custom bbcode so e.g.make the html replacement
<i class="fas fa-{text}"></i>

Then if the bbcode tag is fa all you/they need is add the icon name between the [fa] and [/fa] in the post

Even easier if you give it an editor icon in the bbcode so they just choose that from the text box editor and just add the icon name.

(you'd need another bbcode for brand icons fab
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