XF 2.1 Font Awesome 5, Editor button management, Markdown support and more!

We did say we'd see you again fairly soon and so here we are, hot on the heels of our push notifications announcement, to bring you an update on several more new features and improvements coming in XenForo 2.1.

Remember, to ensure you're kept up to date, we strongly recommend smashing the "Watch forum" link here and enabling email notifications if you haven't done so already 🙂
  1. I love that you are supporting markdown. It would be a dream if (eventually) it worked live in the WYSIWYG editor ala Confluence.
  2. Please do not convert markdown to BBcode or it will be a mess to edit and defeats the purpose of having a simplified formatting language in the first place. This could be achieved with a boolean flag or an identifying character sequence at the start of the post.
  3. Please consider using https://commonmark.org/ as your baseline for Markdown compatibility
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We sincerely hope you're liking what you've seen so far in XF 2.1. We definitely still have a lot more to show you. Don't worry, and try to keep your reactions under control, as we'll be back next week with much more 🙂

WOW I love you guys and XF! XF for life!!!
  1. I love that you are supporting markdown. It would be a dream if (eventually) it worked live in the WYSIWYG editor ala Confluence.
  2. Please do not convert markdown to BBcode or it will be a mess to edit and defeats the purpose of having a simplified formatting language in the first place. This could be achieved with a boolean flag or an identifying character sequence at the start of the post.
  3. Please consider using https://commonmark.org/ as your baseline for Markdown compatibility

I agree, I would love an option to drop support for BBcode entirely and switch to pure markdown. At the very least an option to not convert markdown and disable BBcode, I could probably write a script to convert my existing BBcode content to Markdown.
Can you please switch the ACP to use the light font awesome style? In the current state, it looks like it was drawn by a child, especially the navigation. :( Icons like content, add-ons or the cog for the options quick access are way too bold.
Is there any support if you paid for Font Awesome 5 Pro? How does that work?

EDIT: Nevermind, read farther into the thread. It's awesome that you guys got a FA5 Pro license.

Can you please switch the ACP to use the light font awesome style? In the current state, it looks like it was drawn by a child, especially the navigation. :( Icons like content, add-ons or the cog for the options quick access are way too bold.
Agree, they are too bold, really.
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