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Yup, when official will release just install it ... on the "home" tab of admin control panel, u will notice that you have "outdated templates" -- theses modifications actually ... just revert them and forget them ;)
wow, this is all brilliant - thanks! :)
Hopefully they come out with a release candidate for 1.1 soon so I can get you an update. :) Beta's are still changing too rapidly to make it worthwhile. :)
yeah, i completely understand your reasons for not churning out endless betas, so please don't think all my moaning/pleas for help are back-handed digs at your good self (or any other developers, for that matter)!

it's just that i bought xenforo a few months ago, and i haven't actually been able to implement it in my live environment, or even do much customisation in the test environment, as there seem to be quite a few significant changes coming with 1.1 (e.g. the punbb importer no longer works, so clearly something big has changed "behind the scenes") - so i'm just doing my best to justify the purchase in my head by playing about with it as much as i can! lol

thanks for a great style, and to everyone for their continued help :)
Hopefully they come out with a release candidate for 1.1 soon so I can get you an update. :) Beta's are still changing too rapidly to make it worthwhile. :)

We fully understand Erik and we're grateful for this awesome skin that you've created for free.

Besides they just announced the release candidate so get working on that update :p
Does anyone know how I can add a background on Flexile which appears above and below the menu. At the moment it only appears below the menu
Does anyone know how I can add a background on Flexile which appears above and below the menu. At the moment it only appears below the menu
It's possible that the Header colour hasn't been changed to a clear value.

Without a URL it's hard to see but, check your Style Properties...
Appearance>Styles>(style name)>Style Property Groups>Header
Give the guy some time, man. He's got other stuff to do and not just this.

However, question. Will the Right Content Area Content be replaced with the notice system?
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