Flexile Dark

Flexile Dark

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Oh alright thanks!
I would give you the exact CSS, but I don't have a test installation with a thread that's multiple pages. If you learn how to use an element inspector like Chrome's or Firebug, you can figure out the CSS for anything you want!
hi, this is an awesome theme, but i was wondering, is there a way to make the top and bottom of the theme the same width as the content area when it's set to a fixed width? thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

im trying to make it like my current site, squattheplanet.com
It's possible if you redid the theme a bit. Unfortunately it wasn't really designed in that fashion, the background was designed to stretch the full width of the browser window, so it's difficult to do.
It's possible if you redid the theme a bit. Unfortunately it wasn't really designed in that fashion, the background was designed to stretch the full width of the browser window, so it's difficult to do.

oh, ok, well thanks for the quick response!
Can anyone help with the styling of my portal? It looks ok as it is but definatley not as nice as Jaxels.

Below is my portal and picture after is Jaxels, how can I make mine smooth like Jaxels? The main part I am talking about is the title of the post/news, for some reason the dark text in my title stops before the top, but Jaxels is nice and smooth all the way through. And the font size looks bigger and nicer too.

View attachment 29163

View attachment 29162

Sorry to bring up an old subject but I never managed to get this fix and I still have no idea.

Erik if you could? :)

Thank you
I just finished a redesign of my site using Flexile Dark and there is one thing I'm struggling to figure out how to do. I would like the background image for my header to extend underneath the user bar. Or have the user bar sit on top of the header. Either way. I've already set the background of the user bar to be semi-transparent black, I just can't figure out how to now push the header up underneath it.

See in the image below, I woud like that sandstone photo to go behind the user bar.
Screen Shot 2012-09-02 at 11.23.50 PM.webp

Live here: http://backcountrypost.com/
Hello. I am reinstalling my XenForo theme, Flexile Dark Standalone. The same one 8wayrun.com uses. Before I reinstalled the theme, my boxes in the recent news at the home block l00ked like 8wayrun's, with the filled in black title at the top.
Screen shot 2012-12-10 at 6.18.30 PM.webp

But after reinstalling the theme, my boxes now look like this:
Screen shot 2012-12-10 at 6.18.19 PM.webp
With a weird looking title, that is tiny. I remember before reinstalling the theme, I clicked a check-box on some configuration page, and it fixed this.
Notices on "Inbox" , "Alerts" is not updated thru ajax.
I mean, notices does no update when page is not refresh.
Notices/Alerts only display when hovered.
Notices on "Inbox" , "Alerts" is not updated thru ajax.
I mean, notices does no update when page is not refresh.
Notices/Alerts only display when hovered.
That is how it's supposed to be. Even with the default style.

Alerts/inbox will only update on page refresh or when some other AJAX action is completed (such as posting or member card being loaded)
Default Theme is working.
I mean, I'm using "Live Updates v 2.0" addon.
Normal is, favicon is automatically update with with alerts and also the user tab.

But with this Theme, only the favicon updates, not the user tab.
Little issue.... This bar doesn't fit along in new threads ? Anyone know how to fix ?


This actually seems to be a bug with the theme... I've looked on different sites running this theme.. All the same using Google chrome not tried Firefox. Internet explorer seems to display it fine though
Little issue.... This bar doesn't fit along in new threads ? Anyone know how to fix ?

View attachment 40113

This actually seems to be a bug with the theme... I've looked on different sites running this theme.. All the same using Google chrome not tried Firefox. Internet explorer seems to display it fine though
am facing the same issue... same problem in Firefox too..
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