🇪🇸 XenForo 2.2.8 Spanish Translation [Deleted]


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XenForo 2.0.1 Spanish Translation - XenForo 2.X Spanish Translation

XenForo 2.0.1 Spanish Translation (Free)

Translation of XenForo 2.0.1 completed.

5579 translated phrases

If you catch any error, please feel free to contact me.

Currently, it's only possible obtain the translation through Telegram App through the following link:


There is a small requirement to obtain the license. It's necessary to make a little modify of a random phrase temporarily (I will say which) on your site to verify that it really is...

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If you do not want to use the application, it is not related to spam.

Sorry, but currently is the only way.
Although I don’t necessarily understand why such a delivery mechanism would be used, Telegram is a fairly popular messaging app similar to WhatsApp so I don’t think the suggestion that it is a spam app or anything similar is necessary.
The problem of this user is that he does not know how Telegram works and he does not know where the downloads are stored.

Of course, it comes with demands, in a rude language and wants everything instantaneously instead waiting for an reply. After this, it is obvious that I will not receive any response.

@Chris D The reason for placing the download like this, is try to prevent the nulled software pages make 'business' with it.

Other reason is personal, and that is a way of knowing other pages, generally spanish speaking.

I always respond to requests, obviously not immediately.

The slowest response has been less than 36 hours.

For the next revision of the translation, which will be released on the next version of XenForo, I will add another download option, although it is necessary to temporarily modify a random phrase.
Simple solution, don't use the translation, get it from some or source or translate it yourself.

The OP did the work, they can set any rules or places to download from it set any price they wish.
@EAGLE 1 As everyone can see, even without having the application installed, you started saying that the link was spam, but now you say and put a link in which basically says it is 'insecure'. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they are completely different things.

The other user, simply for being a rude and not being patient says it's spam, logical? I reserve my personal opinion

@EAGLE 1 If you want the translation, statt a conversation with me, and after checking the random phrase, I will gladly send it to you through a direct link from Mega or Dropbox.

Now, I warn that from now on, all the translations will be slightly modified, so if it appears in other site different from here, I will know who has been responsible. Due to this, the time to receive the translation can be up to 3-4 days.
Whats this.... ?
Please , make this public (free or paid)

The truth is that I don't understand some of you. Your forum address is www.freakgamers.org, or www.djcyry.com (taken from your profile and your messages).

Is it so hard for you to temporarily modify a simple phrase?

But well, before such and extraordinary effort, it is preferable to complain.

If it costs so much, you have a couple of options to translate it yourself, or pay for a translation, which you have a few messages below.
The truth is that I don't understand some of you. Your forum address is www.freakgamers.org, or www.djcyry.com (taken from your profile and your messages).

Is it so hard for you to temporarily modify a simple phrase?

But well, before such and extraordinary effort, it is preferable to complain.

If it costs so much, you have a couple of options to translate it yourself, or pay for a translation, which you have a few messages below.

I understand now , ok thanks and sorry .
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