Lack of interest Finder::join() should permit a SqlJoin like Finder::where() permits an SqlExpression

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Well-known member
Due to MySQL subquery handling, sometimes a subquery in the where clause causes significant performance issues compared the semantically identical join with a subquery.

Consider these two semantically equivalent queries;
select *
from table
where id in (select id from table2)
select *
from table
join (select id from table2) a on =

Currently I'm exploiting that you can stick arbitrary SQL into Finder::$indexHints to implement this. The existing Finder::$joins can't be used due to the escaping around `$join[table]` which prevents an arbitrary SQL blob to be added.

In my particular case, converting from a subquery in the where clause to a join drops a complex query from 0.2 seconds to 0.07 seconds.
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