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Find New - Threads by Node 1.0a

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This sounds like the greatest thing ever. Thanks!

Anyone have a demo running? We have a metric crapton of nodes. I'm interested to know if it can still be useful in this environment.
Ok, I've done a bit of extra work on this.

I've had a long think about the best way to display this, and this is what I've come up with:


The next version includes a single option in the Admin CP, this time enabled by default.

The behaviour will replace the "What's New?" link with this new menu.

This new menu, contains a link to the normal What's New, as well as a drop down selector that lists all your other forums (still forums only, no categories at this stage).

Similarly, when you view a nodes new threads, there is also a drop down there too.


Like? Dislike?
Like, because it extends the addon and makes it a more complete package. Although in all honesty, I wouldn't use it in this manner (purely because of different requirement).

I'm going to wait for multiple nodes/category.
Is the main "What's New?" still functional to click or do you have to drop down to the sub "What's New?"

And can the sub "What's New?" be changed to something like "Entire Forum" in the phrase manager?
That version isn't out yet, but if possible I'll make it so that clicking "What's New" takes you there.

Also, yeah, it's a phrase so just change it.
Cool add on Chris, any of having an check box option to integrate it with BD Forum Watch if it's present?

I use it so users can subscribe to the nodes they're interested in, it would be great if there was a 'What's new in my watched forums?' link, or something to that effect. That way they'll only get the threads that really interest them :)
I would also like to have the possibility of combining nodes in an array or all nodes within an array of categories
Ok, I've done a bit of extra work on this.

I've had a long think about the best way to display this, and this is what I've come up with:

View attachment 32252

The next version includes a single option in the Admin CP, this time enabled by default.

The behaviour will replace the "What's New?" link with this new menu.

This new menu, contains a link to the normal What's New, as well as a drop down selector that lists all your other forums (still forums only, no categories at this stage).

Similarly, when you view a nodes new threads, there is also a drop down there too.

View attachment 32253

Like? Dislike?


this is exactly what I need, I would be happy already with the basic version, but this drop-down makes it more elegant and saves space in navigation bar. GREAT!

I try to install the basic version at the moment, but do not find in the template the spot where to add the node ids? I looked at ACP/templates/find_new_threads_by_node_id

<xen:if is="{$showingNewThreads}">
    <xen:title>{xen:phrase new_threads_in_x, 'node_title={$node.title}'}</xen:title>
        {xen:phrase all_unread_threads_from_x_in_x, 'board_title={$xenOptions.boardTitle}', 'node_title={$node.title}'}
<xen:container var="$head.robots">
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /></xen:container>
<xen:require css="discussion_list.css" />
<xen:require js="js/xenforo/discussion_list.js" />
<div class="pageNavLinkGroup">
    <xen:pagenav link="find-new/threads-by-node" linkdata="{$search}" page="{$page}" perpage="{$perPage}" total="{$totalThreads}" />
<div class="discussionList section sectionMain">
    <form action="{xen:link inline-mod/thread/switch}" method="post"
        class="DiscussionList InlineModForm"
        data-imodOptions="#ModerationSelect option">
        <dl class="sectionHeaders">
            <dt class="posterAvatar"></dt>
            <dd class="main">
                <a class="title"><span>{xen:phrase title}</span></a>
                <a class="postDate"><span></span></a>
            <dd class="stats">
                <a class="major"><span>{xen:phrase replies}</span></a>
                <a class="minor"><span>{xen:phrase views}</span></a>
            <dd class="lastPost"><a><span>{xen:phrase last_message}</span></a></dd>
        <xen:set var="$_activityBarShown">0</xen:set>
        <ol class="discussionListItems">
        <xen:foreach loop="$threads" value="$thread">
            <xen:if is="{$showingNewThreads} AND !{$_activityBarShown} AND {$thread.last_post_date} < {$session.previousActivity}">
                <li class="discussionListItem"><div class="noteRow">{xen:phrase threads_below_not_been_updated_since_last_visit_have_unread}</div></li>
                <xen:set var="$_activityBarShown">1</xen:set>
            <xen:include template="thread_list_item">
                <xen:set var="$showForumLink">1</xen:set>
                <xen:set var="$showLastPageNumbers">1</xen:set>
        <div class="sectionFooter">
            <span class="contentSummary">{xen:phrase showing_threads_x_to_y_of_z, 'start={xen:number $threadStartOffset}', 'end={xen:number $threadEndOffset}', 'total={xen:number $totalThreads}'}</span>
            <xen:if is="{$inlineModOptions}">
                <xen:include template="inline_mod_controls_thread" />
        <input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="{$visitor.csrf_token_page}" />
    <xen:include template="preview_tooltip" />
<div class="pageNavLinkGroup">
    <div class="linkGroup"{xen:if '!{$ignoredNames}', ' style="display: none"'}><a href="javascript:" class="muted jsOnly DisplayIgnoredContent Tooltip" title="{xen:phrase show_hidden_content_by_x, "names={xen:helper implode, $ignoredNames, ', '}"}">{xen:phrase show_ignored_content}</a></div>
    <xen:pagenav link="find-new/threads" linkdata="{$search}" page="{$page}" perpage="{$perPage}" total="{$totalThreads}" />

Do I miss somethig?
o.k.. I found it. it is not in the "findsnewthreadtemplate", it is in the " ThreadsByNodeLink template".

So I added my forum there, activated in the settings and it shows up in the navigation bar.

But it seems not to work, if the forum has only subforums. How that? Is this by purpose or did I do something wrong?

I need this urgently!
I donated already 2 days ago a small amount. I would donate significantly more, if this would work with subforums of main forums and with the dropdown menu item.

BUt first I want to get this working as it is now. Any help?
FYI Chris' wife just had a baby girl. Rumour has it the guy is still crying tears of joy.
Plus, I think he already said that more than one node ID at once was beyond the scope of this addon.
FYI Chris' wife just had a baby girl. Rumour has it the guy is still crying tears of joy.
Plus, I think he already said that more than one node ID at once was beyond the scope of this addon.

Hey, if that is true, my congratulations!!!

Regarding the "only one node" rule. I am fine with that. I only submitted one node in my ACP. But this node contains other nodes, no threads. So this is what I do not understand.

I just need to know whetther this works only, if in one node there are only threads or does it also works if in that one node are also subforums with threads in it?

In case this does not work with subnodes, can someone give me hints to do that neverthelesess?
This add on works with forums and sub-forums but not categories. You can only view new threads in one forum at a time by specifying a single node Id in the URL.
This add on works with forums and sub-forums but not categories. You can only view new threads in one forum at a time by specifying a single node Id in the URL.

ah, ok. So it either a forum, or a subforum of this forum, but not the forum including all its subforums. That is a pitty. I do not use categories, but around 10 forums and each of them has several subforums, sometimes also sub-subforums. So my users will not like the idea to click like 20x on different what new items, just to be able to see the one forum with its subforums.

Would it be technically possible to modify this addon to use several node ids for one single whats new point? If yes, could we collect money t get this done? I really need this functionality badly.
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