XF 1.1 File Health Check Problem (library/XenForo/DataWriter/User.php)



When I run the file health check problem, the system found that:

Potential Problems
File does not contain expected contents.

What does it means? Could you help me guys how to fix and solve this problem?
I'm using Hostgator hosting with 'Business' plan. Thanks!



1) You've edited the file
2) You've updated your XenForo install and that file was missed
3) There's some other issue such as unauthorised access

Could you upload that file here? It will be interesting to see its contents to verify how it is different.

Ultimately the solution is to download your current version again from the XenForo customer area and reupload that file.
Okay Waindigo, I will do it. So this is all about the XF 1.1.4 problem? If I install the latest XF1.1.5 this problem will disappear? Thanks! Sorry if I'm asking too much.
Okay Waindigo, I will do it. So this is all about the XF 1.1.4 problem? If I install the latest XF1.1.5 this problem will disappear? Thanks! Sorry if I'm asking too much.
Sorry, I am answering your questions while I am on the phone and not reading anything properly.

I can't quite figure out which version that file is from because it doesn't match 1.1.4 or 1.1.5. But upgrading to 1.1.5 or re-uploading the files from 1.1.4 should fix it.
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