XF 1.3 Fatal Error: Directive 'allow_call_time_pass_reference' is no longer available in PHP


New member
If anyone can help me fix this issue, it'd be much appreciated!

Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Looks to me like you upgraded your PHP installation, however you still have an outdated php.ini file.

You should edit the php.ini file and remove the allow_call_time_pass_reference entry. If you're on shared hosting, your host will have to do this (I hope you're not on shared hosting).

Thank you both for your help, but I managed to sort it out by downgrading to an earlier version. It wasn't a big deal as I'm just messing around with Xenforo for a while to get to grip with things.
Thank you both for your help, but I managed to sort it out by downgrading to an earlier version. It wasn't a big deal as I'm just messing around with Xenforo for a while to get to grip with things.

You haven't fixed the issue, merely covered it up...

Make sure you are commenting it out of the correct php.ini file. Check in your ACP for the PHP info (under tools) and make sure that you are editing the "Loaded configuration file". I have seen before multiple PHP.ini's in place.
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