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Extra Portal 1.2.4

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Just a small bug report.

In the template el_portal_inline_mod_thread_promote, you have a reference to a non-existent phrase:

    <dl class="ctrlUnit submitUnit">
        <dd><input type="submit" name="save" value="{xen:phrase promote}" accesskey="s" class="button primary" /></dd>

Making it appear as promote rather than Promote on the button. You do have a phrase called el_portal_promote, but its text is Promote to Portal.

You could rename the phrase above to el_portal_promote_to_portal and then create a new one called el_portal_promote for use in the template mentioned above.

I've rectified it on our site by creating a phrase called khflare_promote_threads and referencing that instead.

Also, just a suggestion, but for the navigation bar, two of the phrases are:
  • el_portal_manage_categories: Manage Portal Categories
  • el_portal_manage_items: Manage Items

For consistency's sake, they should be:
  • Manage Portal Categories
  • Manage Portal Items


  • Manage Categories
  • Manage Items
Just a small bug report.

In the template el_portal_inline_mod_thread_promote, you have a reference to a non-existent phrase:

    <dl class="ctrlUnit submitUnit">
        <dd><input type="submit" name="save" value="{xen:phrase promote}" accesskey="s" class="button primary" /></dd>

Making it appear as promote rather than Promote on the button. You do have a phrase called el_portal_promote, but its text is Promote to Portal.

You could rename the phrase above to el_portal_promote_to_portal and then create a new one called el_portal_promote for use in the template mentioned above.

I've rectified it on our site by creating a phrase called khflare_promote_threads and referencing that instead.

Also, just a suggestion, but for the navigation bar, two of the phrases are:
  • el_portal_manage_categories: Manage Portal Categories
  • el_portal_manage_items: Manage Items

For consistency's sake, they should be:
  • Manage Portal Categories
  • Manage Portal Items


  • Manage Categories
  • Manage Items
Thank you for the bug report. I'll look into this and take your suggestion into consideration @Maru :)
Is this possible with Extra Portal?

Sorry, I'm a newbie with xenForo & Extra Portal. Before I spend a lot of time digging/researching, can you tell me if this is possible?

I'd like an Extra Portal page that displays a Media Gallery photo, randomly selected from a particular Album or Category. There would be other stuff on the page too, but I'd like the photo to be randomly selected.

Thanks in Advance!
Is this possible with Extra Portal?

Sorry, I'm a newbie with xenForo & Extra Portal. Before I spend a lot of time digging/researching, can you tell me if this is possible?

I'd like an Extra Portal page that displays a Media Gallery photo, randomly selected from a particular Album or Category. There would be other stuff on the page too, but I'd like the photo to be randomly selected.

Thanks in Advance!

I don't think this is possible with Exta Portal, but there a probably other add-ons that can do this... I did a little search but nothing came up. Possibly ask about this on the "Design and Formatting" catagory in the XenForo main forums.

Also don't worry about being new to the software. I know nothing about HTML or CSS but XenForo works great for me. I strongly recommend getting a theme if you haven't already, is a good theme shop.
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Hi there , finally getting to use the addon here, looks great my questions are how do you add more then one item.
I know in XF I can make a page the main page without the addon. So unsure how this differs as there most be other settings to allow
other options? I couldnt find a demo as looks dead or missing in action , so not sure what is possible with it. Any help appreciate I have the portal able to work and installed
fine now to use it is where I am unsure whats under the hood.

Anyone know if this is still supported ?
I cant seem to find details on the usage as mentioned above.

Anyone know if this is still supported ?
I cant seem to find details on the usage as mentioned above.

This is still supported :).

Hi there , finally getting to use the addon here, looks great my questions are how do you add more then one item.
I know in XF I can make a page the main page without the addon. So unsure how this differs as there most be other settings to allow
other options? I couldnt find a demo as looks dead or missing in action , so not sure what is possible with it. Any help appreciate I have the portal able to work and installed
fine now to use it is where I am unsure whats under the hood.


Send me a message and I'll do a 1 on 1 tutorial with you.
I'd really like to see some images of what I can do with this.

The demo link not working does not fill me with confidence
We'll get a new demo up soon :)
Sorry to push, but I also came here looking for a demo. At the moment I'm unsure which would suit my needs best out of this or Xen Porta 2, and trying to work out which one to use. As this demo doesn't seem to be working, could anyone link me to a site that is using this addon, just so I can see an example of how the end result can look in practice?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Is it possible to create sub-categories?

For example, using XenForo Community:
  • Have You Seen...? (Category)
    • XF 1.0 (Sub-Category)
    • XF 1.1 (Sub-Category)
    • XF 1.2 (Sub-Category)
    • XF 1.3 (Sub-Category)
    • XF 1.4 (Sub-Category)
    • XF 1.5 (Sub-Category)

Certainly useful if you use prefixes or to dedicate categories/forums:
  • Official Forums (Category)
    • Announcements (Forum)
    • Have You Seen...? (Forum)

Edit: Don't know if this counts as a bug, but when managing/editing categories and items, the user's activity reads Viewing unknown page. Perhaps it should be Managing portal categories and Managing portal items, respectively?
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Sub Categories aren't currently possible.

Edit: Don't know if this counts as a bug, but when managing/editing categories and items, the user's activity reads Viewing unknown page. Perhaps it should be Managing portal categories and Managing portal items, respectively?
Although I see your point, the time spent on those particular pages probably doesn't warrant their own locations. (although I won't rule it out in the future.)
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