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Extra Portal 1.2.4

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To reiterate, articles have not been coded yet. So they don't look like anything :P It has been requested, however, that the addon have a content type that is not directly associated with a thread. As of now, anything that is displayed on the portal is directly associated with an existing thread.
Hey Dan

Is there currently a way to hide categories from different types of of users? For example I have a category that has a banner that promotes signing up it also a link to the sign up page. It would be nice to hide that from signed in users.

Thanks you!
Yes.. but i was as registered :D

Now i can create a new element, but can't delete old elements etc. :(

Bildschirmfoto 2014-02-16 um 18.07.13.webp

OK. now it works :) Reload browser ;)

Thanks ...
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can we make the homepage of our site using portal?

i want my site to resemble a blog, with the forum on the side.

this would let me kick wordpress to the curb!
Is there any other list of sites using this portal except Russ site ...any big boards . Looks pretty nice for sure would like to do some more research about this addon.
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