External Accounts Extended

External Accounts Extended 2018-03-02

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Got this when trying to used linkedin to create or associate with an account:
An error occurred while connecting with LinkedIn. Please try again later.

Is there a log somewhere to troubleshoot this?
That is exactly what I needed. Thank you.

One request. If possible, added LinkedIn Contacts Feature similar to the default XF Facebook Friends Feature:
Enable Facebook Registered Friends Feature
If this feature is enabled, various places in XenForo, including the Member List will, show a selection of the current visitor's Facebook friends who have also signed up to your forum through Facebook. If the current visitor is not signed into Facebook, or has no registered friends, nothing will be shown.

Instead of doing it throughout the site, just have a dedicated page or a module appear on forum home.

I realize this is not something that many would want, but please let me know what it would cost to implement. Perhaps I can find a way to pay for it!
I created an account using email and then associated my linkedin account but didn't get a chance to update my avatar. Is that possible under that scenario?
When you register using a service (such as LinkedIn) it grabs the avatar from LinkedIn during the registration process.
silence updated External Accounts Extended with a new update entry:

Update 1.6.0

- Added Twitch.tv support
- Yahoo support is mostly done, but their API service went down and still hasn't come up so I cannot finish it. Thanks Yahoo :D
- Fixed text-color issue on login page (thanks @veron)!
- Added a condensed option to push all services to a single overlay (thanks @veron for requesting this)!
Display in Login Bar:
View attachment 71960
View attachment 71961
- Fixed 'External Accounts' page taking a bit to load, all necessary data is now grabbed and...

Read the rest of this update entry...
An error occurred while connecting with VK. Please try again later.

dump $token=array (
'error' => 'invalid_grant',
'error_description' => 'redirect_uri is invalid, please pass same redirect_uri, you used in authorize method.',
Fix the bug!
The code need refactoring for more informative error messages
How can I upgrade to the latest version. I have paid, but can't seem to find how to download the latest update.

Hello, silence
Thanks for this addon. It is very good for my Russion site with our VK social net.

Your VK integration works fine, but it requests e-mail for registration. Can it takes this e-mail from VK?
dump $token=array (
'error' => 'invalid_grant',
'error_description' => 'redirect_uri is invalid, please pass same redirect_uri, you used in authorize method.',
Fix the bug!
The code need refactoring for more informative error messages
See the FAQ to fix this. You need to set the redirect URL in VK developer app to <website>/register/vk and that should fix the issue up :)
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