External Accounts Extended

External Accounts Extended 2018-03-02

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In the new version you are doing. Is it possible to define 'scope' to ask the authentication for? (I know very little about OAuth, but that is what Blizzard is calling it so that I can ask for access to their World of Warcraft character information)

I already ordered to give more incentive for you to fix it :)
In the new version you are doing. Is it possible to define 'scope' to ask the authentication for? (I know very little about OAuth, but that is what Blizzard is calling it so that I can ask for access to their World of Warcraft character information)

I already ordered to give more incentive for you to fix it :)
Well you can do that with the current addon but with the new update I've formed it like this:
You can assign whatever you need to a provider with a single line.
I'll look into the scope thing. If it looks like it's extremely customizable I'll just make an option to modify it. Should be extremely easy :)
I'm coding the battle.net sign-in feature now.
Okay a few more things. I'm gonna update the styling a bit. Final code is not done though but the integration part is working. I wanna get it so anyone can add any provider to it!
Could you add something so that by adding something like $username.bnet to the username value field forces the bnet tag on register?
Yes. Uhhh but honestly even though battle.net is coded up, it's not really grabbing any data from it, since their oauth API is extremely limited. I'll add it but it's pretty limited in the functionality that this addon provides. The main benefit is that you'll have tokens to grab other data that another addon may use.
The options for it look like this:
So... yeah
You have an error in that screenshot of yours :)

US = Americas and Oceania

CN = China (this is what you have set as Canada)
Can you please release a preview if you aren't done with the full version? Really need the battle.net part like yesterday :)
Purchased :) Looking forward to BNet added and hopefully you can help me pull their BattleTag to be a forced username at register.
In the new version you are doing. Is it possible to define 'scope' to ask the authentication for? (I know very little about OAuth, but that is what Blizzard is calling it so that I can ask for access to their World of Warcraft character information)

I already ordered to give more incentive for you to fix it :)
Already done:
Could you add something so that by adding something like $username.bnet to the username value field forces the bnet tag on register?
The new update populates the username, and email fields with anything it can but forcing it may bring issues since some admins use a regex validator for usernames and I'm not sure how to respect that while forcing a grabbed username.

@veron requested the ability to select which providers appear first (outside the 'More External Providers' button) and that has been implemented into the new version.

Everything recoded (Tumblr may not see some of the new features since it's still on oauth 1.0 and I don't have time to write a solution for that outlier) with adding new Providers for other developers made a breeze. Comments available in the Abtract.php file for help.

The styling needs an overhaul, it's a complete mess and I'm thinking of coding up a stylish one for this plugin.

You now have the ability to disable the default providers (Facebook, Twitter, Google) and push them into 'More External Providers'.
silence updated External Accounts Extended with a new update entry:

Update 2.0.0

- Completely recoded! Much easier to add new providers as well as faster performance.
- Registration populates 'username' and 'email' fields when such data is provided by the provider.
- New icons to make for a less bloated look.
- Choose which providers to appear inside and outside the minimal appearance, for better customization.
- Yahoo removed due to broken oauth service.
- Battle.net added!

Read the rest of this update entry...
Not Work :(:(:(

    SimpleXMLElement->__construct() in D:\Parallels\Plesk Panel\Vhosts\roughnecks-germany.de\httpdocs\library\AddOnInstaller\Model\AddOn.php at line 0
    AddOnInstaller_Model_AddOn->getXmlType() in D:\Parallels\Plesk Panel\Vhosts\roughnecks-germany.de\httpdocs\library\AddOnInstaller\ControllerAdmin\AddOn.php at line 27
    AddOnInstaller_ControllerAdmin_AddOn->actionInstallUpgrade() in D:\Parallels\Plesk Panel\Vhosts\roughnecks-germany.de\httpdocs\library\XenForo\FrontController.php at line 347
    XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in D:\Parallels\Plesk Panel\Vhosts\roughnecks-germany.de\httpdocs\library\XenForo\FrontController.php at line 134
    XenForo_FrontController->run() in D:\Parallels\Plesk Panel\Vhosts\roughnecks-germany.de\httpdocs\admin.php at line 13
Not Work :(:(:(

    SimpleXMLElement->__construct() in D:\Parallels\Plesk Panel\Vhosts\roughnecks-germany.de\httpdocs\library\AddOnInstaller\Model\AddOn.php at line 0
    AddOnInstaller_Model_AddOn->getXmlType() in D:\Parallels\Plesk Panel\Vhosts\roughnecks-germany.de\httpdocs\library\AddOnInstaller\ControllerAdmin\AddOn.php at line 27
    AddOnInstaller_ControllerAdmin_AddOn->actionInstallUpgrade() in D:\Parallels\Plesk Panel\Vhosts\roughnecks-germany.de\httpdocs\library\XenForo\FrontController.php at line 347
    XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in D:\Parallels\Plesk Panel\Vhosts\roughnecks-germany.de\httpdocs\library\XenForo\FrontController.php at line 134
    XenForo_FrontController->run() in D:\Parallels\Plesk Panel\Vhosts\roughnecks-germany.de\httpdocs\admin.php at line 13
You are using an addon installer D:
And that stacktrace doesn't tell me that this addon is causing an error D:
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