XF 2.2 Exact steps for Copyright removal upgrade


New member

I purchased Xenforo a few months ago (maybe 2-3 months). I decided to purchase the Copyright Removal add-on/upgrade.

I have made a LOT of customizations to my forum, so I do not want to lose anything.

Can someone please give me very specific (idiot-proof) instructions on what specific package I need to download (the full installer or upgrade package) and which exact folders I need to replace when I go to do this?

I was hoping the copyright removal add-on would have just been a simple tiny plug-in that I could add to my existing site, but it doesn't seem like that's how it works.

As a suggestion to Xenforo, unless I missed something when I purchased the Copyright Removal add-on/upgrade, no clear instructions were provided to actually apply the copyright removal and this should be fixed.

Thank you for your help in advance!

The copyright is removed in the download files after you purchase it. Just download whatever version you're on and re-upload the files, the branding will be removed. It should not affect your modifications unless you modified core xenforo files, which shouldn't be done anyway. ;) The upgrade package should be fine IIRC.

To be more clear: XenForo modifies the download package for your license based on your purchase. After you purchase the copyright removal, any of the versions you download on that license will have the modified content.
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