Fixed Error importing from vBulletin 3.8.11


New member
Hello guys, I have the following error importing vBulletin forum with more than 80000 members:
LogicException: Column 'field_id' is required and has an empty value while importing XF:UserField with id = 4 in src/XF/Import/Data/EntityEmulator.php at line 275

Maybe anyone have an idea how to find the problematic entries in VB database?
Just to be sure we’re looking at the right code, what version of the Importers add on do you have installed and which version of XF?
Finally, debugged the error. The problem was the following: if the custom user fields names created in vBulletin 3 is Cyrillic, then this error is fired. Renaming the custom user field names in English solve the problem. But I think there's another problem: not all custom user fields is imported form vBulletin :(
It looks like this specifically happens if we can't get any text out of a field when we try to convert it to an ID. I've accounted for this case in the next XFI release (which will likely be with 2.1).
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