Equivalent of vBulletin's <if condition="THIS_SCRIPT != 'index'"> ?

Can you do: <hr /><div>debug: {$forum.node_id}</div><hr />
and load the forum? see what it says after debug?
I got a feeling I'll look stupid now, but I'm working in PAGE_CONTAINER.
Variables in the page container can't come from the content template unless they are expressly sent there using <xen:container ... />

If you want to send the forum's node_id to the PAGE_CONTAINER from the forum_view template, try this:
<xen:container var="$forumId">{$forum.node_id}</xen:container>
You can then reference {$forumId} within the PAGE_CONTAINER template.
If you want to show something only on thread display pages, you could use this in vBulletin:

<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread'"><!-- your stuff here --></if>

Or this in XenForo:

<xen:if is="{$controllerName} == 'XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread' AND {$controllerAction} == 'index'"><!-- your stuff here --></xen:if>

How would I have something show ONLY on the forumlist/index? I'm attempting to use a twitter module, and I have it working awesome at the top of the sidebar_share_page template (and this template is also used inside member profiles) and I want it to ONLY display on the index in that exact spot. :)
How would I have something show ONLY on the forumlist/index? I'm attempting to use a twitter module, and I have it working awesome at the top of the sidebar_share_page template (and this template is also used inside member profiles) and I want it to ONLY display on the index in that exact spot. :)
Controller name: XenForo_ControllerPublic_Index
Controller action: Index
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