[Endless Horizon] Advanced Open Graph [Deleted]

No plan to port this to XF2 as of yet. As for database, this add-on adds 2 columns to xf_thread table and adds a new table called xf_advog_log.
You can see the queries used in /library/EndlessHorizon/AdvOG/Install.php, line 63~ for the columns and line 69~ for the table.
No plan to port this to XF2 as of yet. As for database, this add-on adds 2 columns to xf_thread table and adds a new table called xf_advog_log.
You can see the queries used in /library/EndlessHorizon/AdvOG/Install.php, line 63~ for the columns and line 69~ for the table.

So How to remove this column and table after uninstallation?
I don't think this is a huge deal, but I'm doing some updates to my site related to the rich cards/structured data.

I'm using the Google Structured Data testing tool here: https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool

It would appear that the Advanced Open Graph metadata is throwing an Unspecified Type result.

Any idea what type it should be? For that matter, any idea how I can manually update the template to give this structured data the correct type?
@jim83 If you don't mind, please DM me URL to the website that you tested the tool with. I tried to test another customer's site but there were no warning/errors at all, neither related nor unrelated to the add-on.
I may not be understanding this correctly, but does this add-on default to selecting the first attached image in a thread if nothing else is specified? If not, can it be set to do so.
s this plugin still a live and is it made for Xenforo V2.1.1 ? I have bought the old version but when I access endless horizon I can't access it..

Anyone has a working link on where the ADD ON is available?

It has been months since I had stopped using XF, so I just can't get myself to bring my add-ons to XF2 due to the lack of interest on my part.
Especially since I won't be using them myself.
After all, in the first place I made them because I liked the idea and wanted to use them myself.
this addon now available on xf2.1 will be mature with time base on different user's suggestion
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