[Endless Horizon] Advanced Open Graph [Deleted]

Try to go to:
then screenshot the first page. Feel free to censor anything as necessary.
@colcar It seems like you don't have any back-end caching enabled. No worries, it's not a requirement. The add-on was simply coded to attempt to use back-end caching by default.
Try to go to:
and then scroll down to "Store cache into database instead". Tick it then save the changes.
Try to clear your Server Errors log then try to load any threads with images/attachments in it.
If it loads successfully and there's no more error message in Server Errors logs, then it's working as expected.
Well back end caching seemed like it would improve the speed of my forum so I wanted to go ahead and enable it, I added the line
$config['cache']['backend'] = 'Apc';
to my config.php but I'm still getting Error 500 when trying to open threads.

Here's my latest error log:

I had this installed on my site for a year. I should have never have upgraded. As soon as I did, the upgrade messed up my site and I could not get the old version to work properly anymore.

This is the error I get after installing v 2.0.2

Fatal error: Call to a member function save() on boolean in /home/******/public_html/library/EndlessHorizon/AdvOG/ControllerPublic/Thread.php on line 193

This add-on literally shuts down my entire site unless I uninstall.
Actually I have one more question....

Is there any way to remove a user's avatar image from the <!-- fallback open graph images --> section?

I would have thought that if someone makes a post with no image or media attachment, then the global default og image for the entire forum is supposed to be chosen. But I've noticed the user's avatar is getting picked up first. That's because the avatar is listed as image #1 in the fallback section. The default global forum og:image is listed as #2.

I would be happy to just have the user's avatar not even an option.

Any ideas on this?
@jim83 Yes, you can change that.
Just look for a template named "EHAOG_open_graph_meta" and find the line which adds the tag for avatar. Then comment the line with <xen:comment> or something like that.

I intentionally made it so that it would add avatar before the default logo because apparently XenForo was designed that way (ref: a template named "open_graph_meta"). I didn't really bother giving it too much thought so I just simply followed suit, lol

Thanks...that actually did remove it from the fallback section.

However, I noticed on twitter that the image still isn't updating and I think figured out why:

If you view the page source and scroll down to the <!-- twitter card support --> section, that is where the image is being selected for the twitter:image

So, it looks like for twitter, the general og metadata has nothing to do with the selection for this.

Any idea how I might be able to switch the avatar image in "twitter:image" and replace it with the global default xenforo OG image instead?
Ah yeah, just look for this line:
<xen:elseif is="{$avatar}" /><meta name="twitter:image" content="{$avatar}" />
and comment it out as well.
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