Fixed Editor text color issues

body, body.mceForceColors {
color: #FFFFFF !important;

White is #FFFFFF, black is #000000
Text is color, background is background-color
Yes just had this too...

It only works in the editor_contents.css it won't work in EXTRA.css even with !important

I have had to remove the "body," part of the css as I have a body background colour specified and forcing it to be white for the Editor input box forces the body background to be white too.

Is this going to affect anything else? Removing the "body," part of the following CSS I mean...

body.mceForceColors {
background-color: #FFFFFF !important;
color: #000000 !important;
Yes just had this too...

It only works in the editor_contents.css it won't work in EXTRA.css even with !important

I have had to remove the "body," part of the css as I have a body background colour specified and forcing it to be white for the Editor input box forces the body background to be white too.

Is this going to affect anything else? Removing the "body," part of the following CSS I mean...

body.mceForceColors {
background-color: #FFFFFF !important;
color: #000000 !important;

Making the above change has also changed all my row (nodes/ lists/messages) colours to white too.
Here's the funny thing, right after the upgrade done to MVC3Forum; MW2Forums had no problems upgrading.

Its like this MVC3Forum's editor looks wierd.

But MW2Forum's editor looks spiffy; in fact, flawless:

Although flawless, my login bar is 'stuck in the past' because I made some hex value edits in the CSS itself. I thought this is supposedly 'magic' where your edits reflects into the style properties. Hm. Strange indeed.
I've made various changes to get this to work properly, all involve the editor_contents.css template - which is the only template that affects the contents of the editor.
I'm having trouble with this. I have a background image for my entire forum, which is specified under the General/HTML property in background image. However, as of XenForo RC1 this background image now also appears as the background image for the editor.

I tried to go into editor.css and in

@property "html.background";
background: @pageBackground url('/images/background4.jpg') no-repeat top;
@property "/html.background";

remove "background: @pageBackground url('/images/background4.jpg') no-repeat top;" from there

However, if I do this, it not only disappears from the editor, but from the forum's background as well.

EDIT: Ok, I figured this one out, if I remove the @property tags as well, then it doesn't nuke the forum's background image. I didn't expect editor.css to be able to override my background image properties though.
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