Editor & BB Code Manager

Editor & BB Code Manager 2.0.1 Patch Level 1

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minor request - customize special character favicon? I'm just using them for emojis and would like to replace smilies with them. Would be nice to have a smiley face icon vs the omega symbol.
Is it possible to strip out the tags the user doesn't have permissions for the time they click Post Reply versus at the time they are rendered? Functionally, I just care about disabling the editor buttons (e.g. for font, size) based on user group, and as a much lower priority preventing someone from manually entering bbcodes (I say much lower, since 99.9% of my users would never edit bb code so I'm happy with a solution that only prevents 99.9%), but would be preferable to render the bbcodes that already exist versus leave them as plain text.

I'll look into the matter for a future update to see if I can come up with a workaround. Not sure if it's feasible though.

I know this was a reply to someone else, but I'm actually interested - are you saying you don't understand the request?
Nah, I understood his problem and I'm able to reproduce it, but I wouldn't see what in the add-on is causing the behavior (which should come from stock Froala), as I'm literally only loading the stock froala plugin. In other words I don't see what in my code would cause it and hence not how to fix it.
Important Bug


Since several Update I noticed this concern, there is no translation in the text editor in the other language because the template "kl_em_editor_phrases" the code is escape ('js') or the template editor is escape ( 'json')

you will need to change escape ('js') to json for it to be fixed
Nah, I understood his problem and I'm able to reproduce it, but I wouldn't see what in the add-on is causing the behavior (which should come from stock Froala), as I'm literally only loading the stock froala plugin. In other words I don't see what in my code would cause it and hence not how to fix it.
So, does this work/is this an issue in other Froala installations outside of Xenforo?
Could you consider adding a new BBCODE? :) A new type of list. It would be very useful, and it has been requested by several of my members when they write guides or long articles.

It is the content box used on wikis. It would be a numerical list, with links. The big part is of course that it would require an anchor to "tag" where it should skip to on the page when you click the links.

Could you consider adding a new BBCODE? :) A new type of list. It would be very useful, and it has been requested by several of my members when they write guides or long articles.

It is the content box used on wikis. It would be a numerical list, with links. The big part is of course that it would require an anchor to "tag" where it should skip to on the page when you click the links.

While @Lukas W. looks into making it part of the add-on, this is a pretty simple matter with Custom BBCode if you want to add it manually. Although not explicitly as part of a list.

BBcode Tag: anchor
Title: Navigation Anchor
Description: Used in conjunction with [jumpto] tag.
Replacement mode: Simple Replacement
Supports option parameter: Yes
HTML Replacement: <a name="{option}">{text}</a>
Example Usage: [anchor=aname]This is where you jump to[/anchor]

BBcode Tag: jumpto
Title: Navigation Jumpto
Description: Allows you to jump to another location within a post. Used in conjunction with the [anchor] tag.
Replacement mode: Simple Replacement
Supports option parameter: Yes
HTML Replacement: <a href="#{option}">{text}</a>
Example Usage: [jumpto=aname]This takes you to a new location within a post[/jumpto]
Colors, tables, subscript, and superscript "output" in BB Code help file display as BB Code instead of output if these bb codes are controlled by permissions (even if the user viewing the help file has permissions) A better approach would be render the help output based on the permissions of the logged in users, and don't show the output at all if the user doesn't have permissions to use them.
I really love it. Thank you very much. The only thing i really, really miss is the bbcode for table in a short way:

t=without header
t1=other css
t2=other css

for example

If you work daily with a lot of tables, you are happy to save every char you have not to type in ...
Use the visual editor and don't type it? :unsure:
Can this addon convert or otherwise deal with tables in that kind of format though?

I'm looking through addons for XF2 to do the upgrade, and my current XF1 table addon uses very similar coding to that above post, line breaks for tr, pipes for td, and a [table=head] variation for the first row to be th rather than td.
PARSEHTML icon do not show in toolbar, I did add it, but when visiting forum it is not showing icon. I did also selected to show icon for my usergroup.
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