Dutch Language Pack - XenForo

Dutch Language Pack - XenForo 1.5.15

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I don't get it: it is "Plaats Nieuw Topic", but not "Plaats Reactie"? It should be "post" or "plaats" for both of them IMO.
You're right it's not consistent atm. (It used to be "Post Nieuw Topic" this was changed recently).

Edit: both have "Plaats" now. Available in next version.
I would very much like a version that leaves all the admin-phrases untranslated. Thing s like "knoop" and "brus" are really just a bit funny. It is not so difficult to take most of the ACP-phrases out of the translation, but if you don't do it in the language-file, they keep coming back after every update. And because the add-ons are untranslated it becomes a mixture of english and dutch.

Anyone with me on this?
To be honest I would also have preferred an option in the ACP to keep it in English but XF does not have it. Yes I could have provided two files but 1) I believe it would make much more sense for the developers to make the option available for all languages than to create two language-files and 2) this creates a lot of extra work to look for the ACP phrases which for me personally is not worth it.

This request has been posted before on the XF community by Grover and others but did not get implemented. You can like and/or bump that thread to give it attention if you want.

PS: I believe some phrases are actually shared between the front- and backend so it would be impossible for me or anyone else to provide two separate files.
It won't be very difficult to make an almost full-proof version by deleting some lines form the languge-xml-file. I may look into that.
I have to agree with Bart, some words/phrares shouldn't be transalted. "Kinder knoop" sounds just...awkward :)

But nonetheless, thanks a lot for all the work!

BTW, is there a way to mass-replace words? Like change all the "knoop" words back to "node"?
I have to agree with Bart, some words/phrares shouldn't be transalted. "Kinder knoop" sounds just...awkward :)

But nonetheless, thanks a lot for all the work!

BTW, is there a way to mass-replace words? Like change all the "knoop" words back to "node"?
Yes, just open the .xml file with any text editor, then use the find & replace feature to replace "knoop" with "node" and "knopen" with "nodes" and save. You can then import the file into XF again.

Remember though, that the next release / import will reset your changes. Unless you continue to translate it yourself from now on (but you can't release or pass on that version then, only use it yourself).
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Nice work.

@dutchbb Only a suggestion

Can you put the terms_rules_text translation not in the package? I think that a lot of owners make their own terms_rules_text. Had a lot of work to made good terms, didnt think and imported your language. Now i have to do a lot of work again. :whistle:
Nice work.

@dutchbb Only a suggestion

Can you put the terms_rules_text translation not in the package? I think that a lot of owners make their own terms_rules_text. Had a lot of work to made good terms, didnt think and imported your language. Now i have to do a lot of work again. :whistle:
It's a default XF phrase though, I only translate the default phrases. Some people do not require more than this terms/rules translation and are happy with it. It probably makes sense to make a txt backup of your customized terms_rules_text and replace the default phrase after an upgrade.

I'm not sure but maybe you can still recover the content of the page by looking for it in Google cache or WayBackMachine. Or look in a server backup if you have one.
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