Drift - Dark

Drift - Dark

No permission to download
This one works :)
.tabLinks {
box-shadow: 0 20px 20px rgba(0,0,0,.8);
I tried many times, but didn't work.
This one works perfect for me:
.tabLinks {
box-shadow: 0 20px 20px rgba(0,0,0,.8);

Audentio updated [UI.X] Drift - Dark with a new update entry:

Major Navigation Improvements

Hello everyone,

Today we are releasing the best-yet UI.X version. I might've said that before, but I still mean it. We have completely rewritten the way the navigation is coded to allow for more and more possibilities with less and less code. We've introduced new features such as moving the logo to the navigation for super-modern design styles and also saving space. We've also built javascript functions that will allow you to move the position of elements anywhere in the page (without using...

Read the rest of this update entry...
If anyone could help me with the following issues on this style it would be appreciated. I have the styles installed like this.


My node icons come out looking like this


When viewing a thread my social icons look like this with the RSS being clipped


There is no indication for moderators that there is something in moderation and needs attending to
Wrong order, should be.
  • UI.X
    • Drift
      • Drift dark

Yeah I did that but then I end up with a bright white border and a bright silver grey header image and that does not quite go into what I see a dark style looking like. On top of that what if I just purchased UI.X as my base style and even not to have in enabled and Drift Dark as my only style.

This is what it is supposed to look like from the web site


And when I purchased it these were the options and nowhere does it tell me I need to have Drift Light installed to make it work? It actually tells me here "Nothing Extra"

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