DragonByte Tech add-ons not coming to XF anytime soon

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Just some of their add-ons seems a little over-priced for what they are worth, hell, there is properly add-ons available for XF that do the same job for free.
To each their own. I had been a DBTech customer back when they were still Inferno Tech. I had high hopes of the shoutbox being ported over, but due to lack of development, had to abandon that idea. I don't feel they are overly priced at all. For a slightly higher price, I get a lifetime of updates to their product. Seems like a good deal to me.

What they did is make a business decision. They decided to spend more time on a system they are far more familiar with and was bringing in the money. You really can't blame them for that. Learning a whole new way of developing takes time. Something they decided to dedicate to their existing customers on vBulletin for the time being.
A little update...

Beyond that i've been doing plenty of research (e.g into XenForo) and making plans. We'll be doing a number of small mods this week for you guys to get me back into the whole swing of designing again, so expect plenty of releases next week.

Hope to see DBT Versions of Shop, Credits and Activity in this year!
Hope to see DBT Versions of Shop, Credits and Activity in this year!

Well, there is also this:

Decado - 4th May 2013 04:37
I wouldn't get your hopes up to be honest, the research hasn't been very positive. I've been re-examining the financial aspect since i've had a few people tell me the community is different now etc. So far it's still looking far from profitable. I've got a couple of requests outstanding for some data before I make a final decision though, so we'll see.

Who knows, perhaps it's more "positive" and "profitable" to stick to supporting vBulletin 5. {shrugs}
I keep getting this database error. Won't let me view the site.

Warning: mysqli_query() [function.mysqli-query]: (42000/1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '= 0 ORDER BY navtype, displayorder' at line 3 in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 1391
oh that's why

DragonByte Tech is currently closed while we upgrade to vBulletin 4.2.1.

We're working on bringing the boards back online A.S.A.P.

Thank you for your patience.

-DragonByte Tech Team
Darkwaltz4's vBCredits II is the only DB-Tech product I trust since all of DB-Tech vBulletin Add-ons I purchased are discontinued after less than 1 year of development. :(
When you go to their web site and their first 2000px are logos, advertisements, and notices...I was a customer when they were Inferno Tech. Had to re-purchase the shoutbox with dragonbyte-tech after one of the developers fled the scene. I prefer Taigachat.

I was a customer when they were Inferno Tech.
Oh yeah...said that already, above.:LOL:
When you go to their web site and their first 2000px are logos, advertisements, and notices...I was a customer when they were Inferno Tech. Had to re-purchase the shoutbox with dragonbyte-tech after one of the developers fled the scene. I prefer Taigachat.

Oh yeah...said that already, above.:LOL:
The only add-on I've ever used, or actually liked, was RPG Inferno.
I think they made too much for them to support, basically. Instead of creating a few good add-ons and being able to support them, they've gone for everything and anything in an attempt to sell. Profit seems their only motive, which isn't a good business model. Profit comes with good decisions and supported products that you can actively develop and manage.
Please port the arcade and your credits addon :D

Would love to be able to use credits with the arcade.

Oh yeah port the shop too!!!
Darkwaltz4's vBCredits II is the only DB-Tech product I trust since all of DB-Tech vBulletin Add-ons I purchased are discontinued after less than 1 year of development. :(

Which vBulletin Add-ons were those? We have only ever discontinued one product out of over 50.

The only add-on I've ever used, or actually liked, was RPG Inferno.
When you go to their web site and their first 2000px are logos, advertisements, and notices...I was a customer when they were Inferno Tech. Had to re-purchase the shoutbox with dragonbyte-tech after one of the developers fled the scene. I prefer Taigachat.

Oh yeah...said that already, above.:LOL:

RPG Inferno was Inferno Tech - of the entire DBTech team (currently sitting at about 7) only one member of it (Iain/Decado) was ever involved with Inferno Tech. By that logic any time someone leaves the vBulletin team any new job they have is actually just a new version of vBulletin. I guess XenForo Ltd used to be Jelsoft Ltd? :p

I think they made too much for them to support, basically. Instead of creating a few good add-ons and being able to support them, they've gone for everything and anything in an attempt to sell. Profit seems their only motive, which isn't a good business model. Profit comes with good decisions and supported products that you can actively develop and manage.

Is that based on anything? The polls and surveys we've conducted among our customers all come out very positively in terms of our support. Is "DBTech have too much to support" just conjecture based on what YOU think a team of 7 can support? We're a company, of course profit is one of our motivations - if our motivation was to not make profit we wouldn't be a company, we'd be out of business. Our products, even though there are so many of them, overwhelmingly receive feature updates more often than the product you're using right now - XenForo. Do KAM have a bad business model in that case? They must since they don't manage to develop their work as much as we develop ours by your logic.

For all the talk of how the community at XF has changed, when we pop over here this is the sort of stuff we see. People claiming DBTech is Inferno Tech to discredit us. People claiming we discontinue a bunch of products. People claiming we don't support our products. Basically people lying and spreading false rumors - that's the impression you guys give of the XF Community so... thanks for that, I guess. I don't know WHY the community is so poisonous and venomous towards developers (especially certain developers) but if someone has an explanation i'm all ears.
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