Donation Manager [Paid] [Deleted]

Okay and what is it doing? Is it bugging out?

I noted a couple of weird occurrences in my post. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Added all past entries manually into donations manager as anonymous and set as the date they actually donated. User "bob" had $125 total so far.
  2. User "bob" donates $100 once the donations manager goes live as public.
  3. Since previous entries were anonymous I tried removing his last manual entry of $75 then added it again on the same past date as public for that user
  4. Instead of "bob" showing as $175 public donations, it showed as $75
I ended up manually adjusting the entries in the table itself to merge the anonymous and public ones into a single entry as public with the correct total
I think I remember how it works now. It will only show to the public the ones he isn't doing as anon. However when it comes to user criteria for things like upgrading user to a user group it will take into account the users anon + public amounts. So it would have been working fine just to public it seemed like it wasn't. Otherwise large anon donations would be easy to work out what user made them.
Is there an idea of when you're releasing the 1.3 compatible version? Just making sure my addons are covered before doing the upgrade.
Is there an idea of when you're releasing the 1.3 compatible version? Just making sure my addons are covered before doing the upgrade.
My limited tests have worked fine on a 1.3 RC.

:( but understandable. Looking forward to release :D
The issue might affect others as well at some point, it is something on PayPal's end that I have to work around in a weird way. So will be applying this fix before next release.
Downloaded and installed yet it doesnt show on the frontend.. All settings have been done?
Just to double-check (because I thought the same at first)
> Donation options set
> Usergroup visibility set
> Donation goal created and if timeframe is set, won't show until designated timeframe

I wasn't seeing it, either, but then I realized it was outside of the designated timeframe.
Hey Robbo,

Can I make a small suggestion/request, you know how donors can leave a comment with their donation that's displayed on the Donations page? Could you make it that a moderator/admin with a certain permission can reply to these comments? It'd be nice to have an in-line method of responding to/communicating with donors, even if it's just to say thanks.
Hello @Robbo ,

I have just purchased your Donation Magaer add-on and to be honest it works almost perfectly except I can not get the sidebar block to work on any other page apart from the main forum index. I was hoping you could give me an idea on how to modify the code so it will be able to show up on other pages.

1. Can a "Recent donations" list be included just like Top Donations
2. Can we show the donator note or URL instead of his username
3. Any chance to add payment via bitcoin

4. I suppose the answer to all those is NO, how much would be to develop them?
Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli prepare error: Table 'website_xenforo.EWRporta_donations' doesn't exist - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:77

Anyone know what is causing this, and how to fix?
Hey Robbo,

Can I make a small suggestion/request, you know how donors can leave a comment with their donation that's displayed on the Donations page? Could you make it that a moderator/admin with a certain permission can reply to these comments? It'd be nice to have an in-line method of responding to/communicating with donors, even if it's just to say thanks.
Good idea, will be added at some time in the future.

@Robbo How's the progress coming along? Anything in the near future?
There are a few issues people are having so I am going to look into them all on the weekend and make a release for them.

Hello @Robbo ,

I have just purchased your Donation Magaer add-on and to be honest it works almost perfectly except I can not get the sidebar block to work on any other page apart from the main forum index. I was hoping you could give me an idea on how to modify the code so it will be able to show up on other pages.

To get the sidebar to work on other pages the easiest way is with the Widget Framework and the Donation Manager Sidebar. My own Sidebar Manager will be released at some point in the future.

1. Can a "Recent donations" list be included just like Top Donations
2. Can we show the donator note or URL instead of his username
3. Any chance to add payment via bitcoin

4. I suppose the answer to all those is NO, how much would be to develop them?
1. What do you mean? There already is recent donation lists, that is what the donations list is (just doesn't say recent)
2. You can make template tweaks for this however it is out of the scope of my support
3. No
4. I have no time to take on more work, I am looking for someone to help reduce my workload with XenForo products

Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli prepare error: Table 'website_xenforo.EWRporta_donations' doesn't exist - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:77

Anyone know what is causing this, and how to fix?
This is XenPorta trying to take over my manager. Try uploading the manager files again.

Any updates at all @Robbo ????
I have been very busy. This weekend I will be looking into issues people have been having with 1.3 and I am actively looking to contract someone part time to work with me on my products to increase turnaround.
After I updated the forums, goals are not showing. I re-uploaded the files, updated the addon, and checked settings, no change.

Edit- I had to create a new goal, deleting the old one.
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