Do you allow signature links?


Well-known member
I am curious what other forum owners think about signature links. Are they enabled by default in xenForo? Do you allow them or have them turned off?
I dont allow signatures at all. Might have done in the -90's but not for a long time.
I do but we keep the right to remove them or ask them to tone them down if they have too many / vertically stacked or they are too large, its basically at staff discretion if they decide to ask the member to 'attend to' their signature or have it done for them if they ignore the polite request.

To be honest the idea of having no signatures at all is quite a good idea now its been mentioned that kind of fixes the issue completely (honest) , no sigs = no concerns (y) , I may do that when I eventually get around (waiting for converter updates ideally!) to moving one more site 'over here'
ge66, why don't you allow the signatures? I presume you mean the entire signature section rather than just the link?
I don't allow signatures either and haven't for many years. They're just awful, distracting and very last century. The problem is members will clearly abuse the option at some point to post rubbish in them.

But I do allow a link in the signature space for members who are advertisers, but this is inserted by the forum using the home page field data and done automatically for a specific usergroup so it can't be abused.
I am tempted to ban the links while I get my forum going. Don't want it flooded by spammers who just post to link out to their properties.

And you are right, the visual clutter in threads of conversation detracts from the flow.

Is there a technica way on xenforo to prevent links in sigs?
There are several user groups in our forum. Basic Group is for free, members of this group can not add links to their signature... Two of the other groups are only available via paid user upgrade and they are allowed to create "commercial" threads, resources and and they may also have links in their signature. This works fine for us.
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