XF 2.2 Do I get the latest update for $55?


Active member
My version now is 2.2.2 and the latest I think is 2.2.9? What the latest version is doesn't matter much, but is it enough to buy the extension as it stands for 55 dollars and get the latest version?
If you value your forum you should always be in support, not cherry picking the right moment to get a specific upgrade. At literally any time there could be a major security breach and your data will be at risk if you don't have a valid license to obtain the upgrade.
If you value your forum you should always be in support, not cherry picking the right moment to get a specific upgrade. At literally any time there could be a major security breach and your data will be at risk if you don't have a valid license to obtain the upgrade.
It takes all of a few minutes to re-up if you have Paypal so I don't see this as a risk (and I am speaking as an IT manager who is all about risk). And there hasn't been a zero-day breach in XF that required emergency patching in quite a while. I keep mine up to date of course but we once inadvertently went a few years with no maintenance and the sky didn't fall in. Just meant we had a bit of a jump (1.3.x to 1.5.x) by the time we realized it.
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