DL6 - [Widget] Popular threads and posts

DL6 - [Widget] Popular threads and posts 1.1.3

No permission to download
The criteria was "this weeks busiest threads" and we have more than 5 threads posted in public forums so I don't see how it can only list 4?

The thread in the staffroom is no longer one of the 5 busiest so the widget is back to showing 5 for everyone.
If I remember correctly this week, today is just one day. I think you should set 7 days instead.

Maybe @DL6 should rename that option Current week, Current month or something.
Yeah I get that and I'm fine with Monday being the start of a new week so it forgets about everything before Monday. I don't think that caused the issue we saw though.
You’ve set it to full mode which isn’t appropriate for the sidebar. Change it to one of the other display modes.
Thanks for the useful widget (should be integraded in standard xenforo).

You can add an option for get only post/thread of the current forum?

Thyank you
Ok. So, the issue I came to post here is already discussed. I wanted to ask for an update where the popular widget would show older threads that gets more views than newer threads in the set time period. But now that I think about it, it might not work as the widget would have no way to know how many views an old thread got in the last x number of days. Unless of course, it starts logging all new views which I guess would add a lot of complexity to the code and load on the forum infrastructure.
@DL6 is there a way that we can have it include all Positive ratings instead of just the "Like" only?

I would definitely donate for a feature like that.
Is it possible to have more layout similar to BD Widget Framework on XF1?
  • Sidebar (avatar, title and one extra line)
  • Sidebar with snippet from post
  • Compact List
  • Full
How can I integrate this feature from your addon "Show only the user avatar and thread title" to the New Threads widget of XenForo?

Please add new options:
  • Dis-allow locked threads from showing
  • Use guest permissions (instead of current user permissions)
  • Cache TTL (This renderer supports caching for improved performance, you can enter the number of seconds for time to live (TTL) value to suit your need. Leave it blank to let the renderer decide the TTL itself. Enter 0 will effectively disable caching.)
I have "View threads by others" for Guest set to YES.
and "View thread content" for Guest set to NO.

and Widget isn't showing to Guest?
I have "View threads by others" for Guest set to YES.
and "View thread content" for Guest set to NO.

and Widget isn't showing to Guest?
I think that this is designed in the verification of permissions, the same happens with the default widgets of New posts/threads
Rich (BB code):
    public function canView(&$error = null)
        if (!$this->Forum || !$this->Forum->canView())
            return false;

        $visitor = \XF::visitor();
        $nodeId = $this->node_id;

        if (!$visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'view'))
            return false;
        if (!$visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'viewOthers') && $visitor->user_id != $this->user_id)
            return false;
        if (!$visitor->hasNodePermission($nodeId, 'viewContent'))
            return false;
  • Like
Reactions: rdn
I have "View threads by others" for Guest set to YES and "View thread content" for Guest set to NO.

and wanting to display this addon Widget to Guest.
Right now it isn't displaying.

Please add new options:
  • Dis-allow locked threads from showing
  • Use guest permissions (instead of current user permissions)
  • Cache TTL (This renderer supports caching for improved performance, you can enter the number of seconds for time to live (TTL) value to suit your need. Leave it blank to let the renderer decide the TTL itself. Enter 0 will effectively disable caching.)
Please :whistle:
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