Disabling the new thread box on forum pages


Active member
I'd like to disable the box which says "Thread Title" initially and "Post a new thread on this forum" on hover, which lets users create a new thread directly from the top of forum listings. I want them to have to use the "Post thread" button instead. I've looked around a bit but can't find any simple way to do it.
I'm thinking it probably will require a template modification. Is that right, or is there a simpler way?
Why not the data attribute? Short and sweet:
[data-xf-init="quick-thread ajax-submit draft"] { display: none; }

You also need to get rid of the annoying double border that remains if you hide the first child. You need to hide the border top of the first child of the div that follows the element you are hiding:
[data-xf-init="quick-thread ajax-submit draft"] {
    display: none;
    + div {
        :first-child {
            border-top: none;

You can also make things look much cleaner by changing the filter bar bottom border color from "heavy" to "light" on all pages:
.block-filterBar {
    border-bottom-color: @xf-borderColorLight;
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