[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

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The image attachments from posts are showing as .r2.cloudflarestorage.com/ instead of the data.domain.com that was set.

The avatar images are but attachments from posts aren't.
Please, how do I make it show my subdomain instead of the long r2.cloudflarestorage.com URL?
The image attachments from posts are showing as .r2.cloudflarestorage.com/ instead of the data.domain.com that was set.

The avatar images are but attachments from posts aren't.
Please, how do I make it show my subdomain instead of the long r2.cloudflarestorage.com URL?
Disable the presigned URL option.
Disable the presigned URL option.
Thanks for the reply.
Seems like I will have to stick with the option since it saves bandwidth and improves performance.

Was thinking there is a way to get Cloudflare R2 to serve the subdomain I provided in the bucket settings.
Thanks for the reply.
Seems like I will have to stick with the option since it saves bandwidth and improves performance.

Was thinking there is a way to get Cloudflare R2 to serve the subdomain I provided in the bucket settings.
There is, but it requires a Pro-level Cloudflare plan (any paid tier, doesn’t work for Free).
so... i just updated to patch 2. and i am noticing that unfurled links are not unfurled properly. they appeared as linked text. i haven't seen it reported as bug yet. so i was just wondering if the cloudflare proxy could be the issue. if others can confirm if this is happening at their end as well.


so... i just updated to patch 2. and i am noticing that unfurled links are not unfurled properly. they appeared as linked text. i haven't seen it reported as bug yet. so i was just wondering if the cloudflare proxy could be the issue. if others can confirm if this is happening at their end as well.

View attachment 297449

View attachment 297450
You could try disabling the proxy just as a test, but if it's not working with 2.2.14, the proxy isn't going to matter.

That being said, the unfurl (and image) proxies are really simple (just passing through the content) so there isn't a whole lot that has the opportunity to go wrong because it's not actually doing anything else. The one time I could see the proxies not working as expected is if a site were to block Cloudflare IPs but not others (since the server sees the request as coming from a Cloudflare IP). And nothing that could be done about that scenario...
I use R2 for my data folder and I just upgraded to 2.2.14 (P2).

I noticed my styles folder was reset to the old path/URL instead of the new R2 path/URL so logos weird not displayed.
The style I use, uses this weird URL for logos:

As a workaround I copied the styles folder back to the old local /data folder, that works.

Not really sure if you can say anything about this @digitalpoint? Looks like the XF upgrade messed with the R2 redirection?
I use R2 for my data folder and I just upgraded to 2.2.14 (P2).

I noticed my styles folder was reset to the old path/URL instead of the new R2 path/URL so logos weird not displayed.
The style I use, uses this weird URL for logos:

As a workaround I copied the styles folder back to the old local /data folder, that works.

Not really sure if you can say anything about this @digitalpoint? Looks like the XF upgrade messed with the R2 redirection?
Honestly I have never done anything with custom style folders. That being said, my guess is that if something was “reset” it would be a XenForo thing. There’s nothing in the addon that’s doing anything trick with URLs, it’s literally just a destination for the abstracted filesystem and %ASSET.stylefder% is definitely not coming from the addon.
@duderuud, did a little looking at the XenForo source (although was just 2.2.13) and XenForo does do a replacement of that string to inject the external data URL (or at least it's supposed to). So that not happening is definitely something on XenForo's side.
Just grabbed 2.2.14 to see if I can find anything obvious so if I find something I'll add it to your bug report.
So just skimming it, the code doesn't look particularly different in 2.2.14... it does look like it's only called when .less templates are compiled though. I assume your style property with that string is somewhere in a .less template?

If you rebuild master data/templates, maybe it would fix it if you haven't tried it already?
Not sure where exactly that string is stored:

Will try rebuilding master data, one sec.

Rebuilding master data didn't fix the problem.
@digitalpoint with CF's new announcement on terrific pricing for their image transformation service, I wonder if it's a function you have/will consider for inclusion in this app?

JUST ANNOUNCED: Image Resizing is merging with Cloudflare Images
All Image Resizing features are now available as transformations under the Images product. Transformations let you resize and optimize externally stored images and are priced at $0.50 per 1,000 unique transformations per month. Existing users can opt into the new pricing for a predictable monthly bill.
Get started now >

As I see it, when images files are uploaded CF can be used to resize/optimise those images when stored either locally or in R2. Charging is only $0.50 per 1,000 images transformed. I'd think the vast majority of sites would therefore be no more than 50c /mth for image resizing/optimisation.

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