Debian Server Setup [Deleted]


If you're thinking of using this guide to become a web hosting service provider (web host) or a domain registration provider (domain register).

Go no further

If you need to read up on how to setup a basic server, you DO NOT have what it takes to be a service provider. You will only be wasting people's time and money.​
This guide was made for people who want to host their own XenForo site or sites on a VPS or Dedicated Server.​
And while technically is can be used to start up a web hosting company, I ask you to see reason... If you need to a guide to setup your own server, should you really be hosting someone else?​
Thank you.​
Why do you select apache2-mpm-prefork over worker? Which mpm is better for a large forum?

Worker is not compatible (out of the box) for many of the default functions (including PHP). Not yet at least.

This guide was made for everyone, including complete noobs & with the idea concept that little or no maintenance (up keep) would be required.

Although personally, I believe worker does handle loads better.

With this said, even aptitude or apt-get will tell you that you need Prefork (for example, when you try to install PHP), because there really is that many incompatibilities for Worker.

Can I use Open Lite Speed, rather than Apache?


Yes, but just like with Cent OS or Debian, its an outside source which needs to be compiled and installed manually. So this is not going to be as simple as using apt-get or aptitude. But it can be done.

You should know that Open Lite Speed has some limits. And Apache which is already open and free, does not have these limits.

Now that you know that, here is how....

apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install libpcre3-dev libexpat1-dev libssl-dev libgeoip-dev zlib1g-dev

The rest of the instructions can be found here:

They're updated regularly and as needed. This is why its not all posted here on XenForo, so that you may get the most current information, directly from the source :)
Adam Howard updated Debian Server Setup with a new update entry:

Basic Lite Speed instructions

I personally do not use Open Lite Speed. The open version is known to have limits compared to the paid version. Apache its self does not have these limits.

And assuming if you were to use the paid version of Lite Speed, they could easily install it and offers support for you.

But for those of you who may have an interest in Open Lite Speed, I figured I'd point you in the right direction


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What are people doing for email. I was using ssmtp to relay to mandrill, but it cause a massive delay when loading pages that send email. is it possible to set up exim to send mail out only.
What are people doing for email. I was using ssmtp to relay to mandrill, but it cause a massive delay when loading pages that send email. is it possible to set up exim to send mail out only.

If you're using just your forum... php will automatically send out e-mail and setting up a mail server isn't required.
Its for things like cron emails etc.

Con e-mails generated by the forum or through add-ons will also work just fine using php. So you don't need a mail server ;)

But if you're really looking for something to send and receive e-mails. I would suggest postfix for a mail server. And for web mail I would suggest squirrelmail
Is it possible to set up exim to send mail out only.
Yes, and the recommended daemon for your given usage scenario. Much lower memory footprint than alternatives.

apt-get -y install exim4-daemon-light mailutils
dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
-- set type to internet site
-- set ip addresses to listen on as only.
Yes, and the recommended daemon for your given usage scenario. Much lower memory footprint than alternatives.

apt-get -y install exim4-daemon-light mailutils
dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
-- set type to internet site
-- set ip addresses to listen on as only.

Have they finally optimized that?

I ask because the last time I used it; it was no light setup. This was on a localhost test setup with no mail incoming or out going (again, localhost) and no personalized configurations in the OS, just accepting stock settings.

I found postfix used less resources out of the box (and even less after tweaking of course).

Do you have any stats to compare?
That wiki page needs to be updated.
If you believe the metrics are wrong, then update it. That's the power of wiki's :)
The memory metrics are consistent with my own recent findings of the same tests, using current versions.

58457 Debian-e 20 0 44736 1036 604 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 exim4
What are people doing for email. I was using ssmtp to relay to mandrill, but it cause a massive delay when loading pages that send email. is it possible to set up exim to send mail out only.

I found mandrill got a lot faster a couple of months back, as they increased their network size. I haven't noticed any slow down while posting since they did this.
PHP 5.5 has been released
The key features of PHP 5.5.0 include:
  • Added generators and coroutines.
  • Added “finally” keyword.
  • Added simplified password hashing API.
  • Added support for constant array/string dereferencing.
  • Added Class Name Resolution As Scalar Via “class” Keyword
  • Added support for using empty() on the result of function calls and other expressions
  • Added support for non-scalar Iterator keys in foreach
  • Added support for list in foreach
  • Added Zend Opcache extension and enable building it by default.
  • The GD library has been upgraded to version 2.1 adding new functions and improve existing functionality.
  • A lot more improvements and fixes
Changes that affect compatibility:
  • PHP logo GUIDs have been removed
  • Windows XP and 2003 support dropped
  • Case insensitivity is no longer locale specific. All case insensitive matching for function, class and constant names is now performed in a locale independent manner according to ASCII rules


Thank to php 5.5 is available today, on the same day of release for Debian 7.0 “Wheezy”, on both 386 (32bit) and 686 (64bit). No extra waiting is required.

To upgrade your Wheezy boxes to PHP 5.5.0, just add these two lines to your sources.list

On the command prompt type in:
nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Then add this.
PHP: php 5.5
deb wheezy-php55 all
deb-src wheezy-php55 all
Save and close.

Next type in
aptitude update
aptitude full-upgrade

You can of course use apt-get if you prefer, but I find aptitude is safer for "new people" as it will inform you of any possible conflict and offer possible resolves & solutions. Overall, it let you know what its doing -vs- apt-get which just does it.

The choice is yours.

Please note that :
  • php5-apc is not available for PHP 5.5 yet. Instead, PHP OPcache (the open-sourced Zend Optimizer+) has been included and activated by default in php5-common. And if you need a user cache, please install php5-apcu.
  • php5-xcache is missing too. Don’t upgrade if you need it.
  • PHP 5.4 will still be considered as default branch on Debian 7.0
  • PHP 5.5 won’t be packaged for Debian 6.0 “Squeeze”. Upgrade to Wheezy instead.
Please read the Changelog and the migration guide (be aware of the backward incompatible changes) before upgrading.

If you like how has kept this maintained feel free to show some love & support
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Adam Howard updated Debian Server Setup with a new update entry:

PHP 5.5 - Released

  • Please read this in FULL before attempting to upgrade.
  • Please also backup before upgrading
  • And finally, if you wish to make a donation for this update, please send it to (as they've been very good in helping me & everyone else keep their LAMP installs current). *
Instructions and details can be found here

* Although I'm not opposed to the idea pizza...

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Just a small reminder that you should use APCu and not APC when using PHP 5.5 with PHP OPcache.

aptitude install php5-apcu

Seems to be the 1 thing people forget.
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