[DBTech] DragonByte Avatars

[DBTech] DragonByte Avatars [Paid] 0.9.1

No permission to buy ($37.50)
I'm surely buy the 2 mods. I'm not interested in signature mod but i want to support you...because i need the credits/shop addons asap eheheh... I'm a old user of DBT (when i got the money now finally a customer :D) and i can assure you that DBT listen to customers...i have gived various feedback to DBT and their often implemented the features that i suggested (suggestions but a "simple user", not a customer).

Very happy to seee you here, DBT. :-)
There is a basic points system built in where you can set x points per post and per thread, and in the Pro version you are able to change the source fields for points (thus enabling integration with points mods) :)

Thanks... I think I will skip then, with your selling of a paid product, then asking $500 for a branding free license, that is more than the software developers of forum software charge.

All the best with your products.
We don't charge $500 for a single branding free licence o_O

Here's a link to the Branding Free licence: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/vbecommerce.php?do=product&productid=176 :)

The Global Branding Free product to which you're referring currently does not support XenForo, which is why you won't find a single reference to that product on our xenForo product pages.

I'm curious how you came to believe that we charged $500 for a branding free licence? If you could point out to me where on the product page for any xenForo addon we referred to the Global Branding Free product I will correct it immediately :)

I just viewed the vb page, as you don't have a global branding free option available on XF pages, though I did see your reference when you go into the product... yet still, $60 for the lifetime product, $75 for branding free of that product... same outcome.

I am not going to argue with you, your products, your prices... they're simply absurd IMO to charge that much for branding free on a paid product for an add-on.

Again, best of luck with site add-ons.
That's fair enough and you are absolutely entitled to your opinion :)

I reacted because it sounded like you were saying there was no other branding free option for the xF mod, which is as I pointed out incorrect and would give anyone viewing the thread the wrong impression ;)

Thanks for the well wishes, best of luck with your site(s) as well :)

I am not going to argue with you, your products, your prices... they're simply absurd IMO to charge that much for branding free on a paid product for an add-on.

DragonByte Tech has some a lot of nice addons in its portfolio and I'm definitely interested in some of the addons but will all due respect Fillip, like many out there I don't like the current branding policy at all. I guess that the coders here set a different bar for their paid addons that we become use to. I don't want to contribute to the negative climate and looking forward to new addons from DragonByte Tech maybe a more subtle approach how to handle branding.

Bought the pro version. It's nice, i hope to see more addition (on the UI). I liked in the past the great Live Avatars, the challenge for this addon is the user contribution.

On Live Avatars, there are dozen of avatar packs uploaded by users, of Star Wars, Anime, Western etc. Hope to see soon the same addition by users here. :-)
Will have to agree with Anthony on the branding. Especially for paid version of the product. And it makes me wonder...do mod authors really benefit much from the branding? How many forums, apart from admin forums, have members who have their own forums from which they could gain more customers? My guess is the benefit comes from charging the additional branding-free option, not the advertising. You can count me out, too.
Will have to agree with Anthony on the branding. Especially for paid version of the product. And it makes me wonder...do mod authors really benefit much from the branding? How many forums, apart from admin forums, have members who have their own forums from which they could gain more customers? My guess is the benefit comes from charging the additional branding-free option, not the advertising. You can count me out, too.

We genuinely do benefit from the branding - in a number of ways. From small SEO boosts & traffic boosts that help us with things like google ranking, down to the fact that we get more visits from footer links than we do from google - despite being behind only vbulletin.org when you google vbulletin mods for instance. Ranking 4th in google for that keyword is down in decent part to large, credible sites linking to us via footer links as well.

Basically footer links are an essential part of getting visits/business. If only the free versions have branding that just assures that the quality of site that has our links is lower, which can do more to harm SEO than improve it (especially with google's recent penguin update).

In addition sites will often watch their competition and try to keep up with them - it's not uncommon for us to get business from several sites in the same "market" in a short period of time as they scramble to keep up with each other (though obviously the site that implements it first/best will see a much larger benefit).

Lastly there is the fact that it only takes one really large site to coincidentally hit on a lot of forum owners/admins. Sites that get hundreds of thousands of hits per day, especially those based on gaming or tech will have a reasonable number of site/forum owners in those visitors. Seeing our products running on a site THEY use/trust that is larger or more successful than theirs is often great incentive to try our products.

Hopefully that will clear up your misconceptions regarding the purpose of footer links/branding :)

We genuinely do benefit from the branding

This is not branding, this is using your client sites for manipulative purposes to boost SEO rankings and affiliations you have:

This mod displays a copyright notification in the footer of all pages which includes:
  • 1 Link to DragonByte Technologies homepage
  • 1 Link to Product Description page of this modification
  • 1 Link to Hivelocity Hosting (Lite Version only)
Branding is what VB, XF, IPB and most other commercially branded software do, being they place their company name in the footer. That is branding.

You are not branding, you are clearly using your client sites for SEO purposes and other manipulative purposes. Your clients are not buying hosting, so why are they being forced to place such a link on their website?

The last twit to try this out, I personally had a hand in demolishing him and his business through both legal and non-legal methods, so now his site is obsolete pretty much and Google have it listed as:

Screen Shot 2012-05-24 at 7.44.25 AM.webp

He was doing somewhat worse though than you are, being to randomise phrases through what he so called, "branding" as well.

My point is, please don't manipulate your clients by calling branding, branding, when it's not branding at all. You are intentionally manipulating and using clients sites for your own purposes.

Is the Hivelocity link an affiliate one or do you own that hosting? If affiliate, that is illegal without making it clearly obvious in your terms of sale, and even then, questionable under certain laws within many countries. If they're not directly related to your business and clearly denoted within your license for exactly what they are, also illegal in many countries.

Branding is a link/s directly back to your website under one term, one link... that is branding. You then charge a fee for the person to remove that company link (brand).
Iain will handle the finer details of your post, but I'd just like to make it clear that the Hivelocity link can be disabled via an option.

It was an oversight on my part that I didn't specify this, and for that I apologise. I will correct this immediately :)


This is not branding, this is using your client sites for manipulative purposes to boost SEO rankings and affiliations you have:

Branding is what VB, XF, IPB and most other commercially branded software do, being they place their company name in the footer. That is branding.

You are not branding, you are clearly using your client sites for SEO purposes and other manipulative purposes. Your clients are not buying hosting, so why are they being forced to place such a link on their website?

The last twit to try this out, I personally had a hand in demolishing him and his business through both legal and non-legal methods, so now his site is obsolete pretty much and Google have it listed as:

View attachment 29884

He was doing somewhat worse though than you are, being to randomise phrases through what he so called, "branding" as well.

My point is, please don't manipulate your clients by calling branding, branding, when it's not branding at all. You are intentionally manipulating and using clients sites for your own purposes.

Is the Hivelocity link an affiliate one or do you own that hosting? If affiliate, that is illegal without making it clearly obvious in your terms of sale, and even then, questionable under certain laws within many countries. If they're not directly related to your business and clearly denoted within your license for exactly what they are, also illegal in many countries.

Branding is a link/s directly back to your website under one term, one link... that is branding. You then charge a fee for the person to remove that company link (brand).
My members loved vbenterprise translator but it would completly f**k up people's post and translate stuff that didn't need to be translated. I didn't perceive any noticeable SEO boost after using it for several months other than increased bot activity. Waste of money.

This is not branding, this is using your client sites for manipulative purposes to boost SEO rankings and affiliations you have:

Branding is what VB, XF, IPB and most other commercially branded software do, being they place their company name in the footer. That is branding.

You are not branding, you are clearly using your client sites for SEO purposes and other manipulative purposes. Your clients are not buying hosting, so why are they being forced to place such a link on their website?

The last twit to try this out, I personally had a hand in demolishing him and his business through both legal and non-legal methods, so now his site is obsolete pretty much and Google have it listed as:

View attachment 29884

He was doing somewhat worse though than you are, being to randomise phrases through what he so called, "branding" as well.

My point is, please don't manipulate your clients by calling branding, branding, when it's not branding at all. You are intentionally manipulating and using clients sites for your own purposes.

Is the Hivelocity link an affiliate one or do you own that hosting? If affiliate, that is illegal without making it clearly obvious in your terms of sale, and even then, questionable under certain laws within many countries. If they're not directly related to your business and clearly denoted within your license for exactly what they are, also illegal in many countries.

Branding is a link/s directly back to your website under one term, one link... that is branding. You then charge a fee for the person to remove that company link (brand).

A few points here:

First of all, ALL branding is helpful in SEO - Neither vBulletin nor xenForo have their branding listed as rel nofollow which means they are " using clients sites for SEO purposes". Let me know if you need me to explain that to you since you seem to have some strange interpretations about what exactly SEO is.

Secondly they are not *forced* to place the link, it is optional in our lite version and doesn't exist in our pro version.

Thirdly we categorically cannot include that in our terms of sale because the link specifically does NOT exist in the pro version.

I'm not sure what your particular issue with us is, but I would suggest if you are going to make implied threats ("I personally had a hand in demolishing him? really? Why would a mature adult feel the need to say that?) you first ensure you are in possession of all the facts.


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